chapter 6

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I woke up to my bed leaning to the side as chloe stared at me.
"lucy you said we could go to the guild today its after 12 in the afternoon." chloe whined as i signed getting up.
"go get ready" i told her as she nodded smiling running to her room to get dressed. I walked into my master bathroom and walked to the shower opening the clear door. I started the water turning it far to the right on the hottest temp. I stripped placing my clothes in the hamper walking nude into my closet which was in the bathroom. I got a pair of black leggins that you ciuld see through around the edges and hoodie i stole from gajeel. I grabbed undergarments and a pair of running shoes. I stepped into the shower as the hot warmer singed my skin relaxing me.  I stayed in washing my body for a good seventeen minutes before my skin threatened with red. I got out as my body shivered at the cold. I quickly got dried off before putting on my clothes. I walked out to see chloe sitting on my bed scrolling through my lacrima phone.
"wheres asuka number" she asked as i rolled my eyes picking her up.
"lets make a pit stop before going to the guild kay lil sis" i said as she looked at me contemplating before nodding. I put her down grabbing my keys and wallet. Holding her hand as we started on the long trek to the guild. We made a short stop at nelly bellies she looked confused as we walked in.
"hello mrs.lucy what may i get you" the owner of the store Neil greeted as i smiled.
"can i get a lacrima pro my little sister is getting a little territorial" i said as he nodded going to get the phone. I looked around at the  cases as she choose her case. I paid for the phone and case before handing it all to her set up.
"download your apps, facetime you friends do what ever you wnat this is yours ok but you gotta be responsible it gets broken you will not get a new one til you can pay for it." i explained as she nodded quickly.
"thank you lulu" she said squealing as she asked me fore asuka's number.
Laxus pov.
I was at the bar drinking my pub as i thought about the last two weeks since the grand magic games. Lucy is training chloe so they come to the guild on off days which are usually today and  sundays. It was a little after one so i wondered where they were. I was knocked out of my thoughts by a rich looking lady with a guard following her.
"is this fairy tail" she asked.
"Damn skipping" cana shouted as everyone cheered.
"Well then I need to speak with lucy NOW" she shouted as everyone got into a defense stance. The guild doors opened and I looked to see lucy. She stoppes seeing the woman slowly turning around to sneak out.
"And where do you think your going love" the woman said waving a hand as binds wrapped around lucy pulling her to the lady. Every one was ready to attack when lucy signed.
"now greet me properly" the lady comanded as lucy stood the binds releasing her. Lucy hugged the Lady.
"hi aunty linda" lucy greeted taking a step back as her... Aunt nodded.
Lucy pov
"well enough sweety have you no decency to come to your fathers funeral the family misses you" she said as i rolled my eyes walking towards the bar.
"mirajane two straw berry milkshakes spike one give it to that hag" i whispered to mira as she nodded giggling.
My aunt slid in the seat next to me looking stern.
"lets get down to business" she said as i rolled my eyes.
"your seventeen meaning you are still a minor when your father died he had no updated will therefore we took the one made when you were ten. From here on out i have control of heartfilia rail ways my daughter is to be married then have an heir move in to the heartfilia mansion and that is that. You inherit your mothers fortune and 5%percent of the companies earnings but until you turn 18 you are in my custody and my first order as your gaurdian is that you leave this guild." she stated as i interupted her.
"I dont think so you old hag if thats all you came for you can leave" I said as she glared at me.
"i was gonna be nice and give you a week to say your good byes but since you want to be disobedient you have 24 hours and counting" she said slamming the milkshake glass on the table before walking out of the guild. I looked to see the guild listening on in shock. Chloe ran up to me hugging my waist.
"she cant do that can she" chloe asked frantically as I looked down at her sadly.
"I honestly don't know and thats what scares me the most" I said holding her as I tuned out the guilds protest. I felt my hoodie get wet as I looked down to see chloe crying. Kneeling down to her eye level I wiped her tears.
"you gotta stay strong" i told her my voice cracking ever so slighly.
"how when that mean lady will take away my sister" chloe yelled as i wiped my cascading tears.
"chloe im not going any where" i said strongly as she looked at me tears rolling down like a river.
"how can you be sure?" chloe questioned sniffling.
"I dont know but its like a lion" i explained as she wiped her eyes sniffling.
"a lion is only tough because they hide behind other people. My aunt hides behind her money you find a way to threatened that and bingo you win by forfeit" i explained as fairytail looked on in interest. Wiping my eyes for the second time i signed.
"thats the hard part how do we make money my aunts legacy is worth 88 billion dollars." i said as  everyone looked down in thought chloe picked up her lacrima handing it to me.
"you can give this back if it helps" she whispered as i looked at the device before beightening up in realization.
"lacrima chloe you are super smart" I praised her as I pulled out my lacrima heading to the bar. I called the one family member who I knew I could count on right now. She answeted after a few rings.
"hey gossip girl" i said smiling as she sat by her large vanity.
"hey barbie bitch" she said as i laughed quietly.
"lets skip the pleasentries you and i both know we are not communicating to catch up." i said getting my business side to appear. She nodded and got proffessional as well.
"your mother has appeared claiming to be the one whos custody im in we need the lacrima" i said as she smirked.
"oh lovely you need my help to finally show my mother up what makes you think ill do that you left me for so many years" she continued her voice cracking at so.
"i know what i did was terrible but you have to send me that lacrima and then you can come to fairytail and we can catch up" i said smiling into the camera as she signed.
"im getting married" she told me as I almost dropped the lacrima in shock.
"im actually really happy." she told me smiling happily. I smiled seeing she was not lying.
"about the lacrima i can bring it tommorow morning" she said as i nodded.
"i wanna meet your fiance" I proclaimed as she laughed.
"we will see" she told me looking off to the side as if talking to some one. Next thing i know she is tackled by a blur of brown. I hear her giggling. Must be her fiance.
"ok ok show Lucille" she said as i widened my eyes only a select few know my full name.
A face appeared in front of the camera and i looked at it blinking a few times.
"jason" i said shocked before shrieking loudly.
"OMG I knew it I knew it" i did a short cheer as he laughed.
"you did always tell us to play house me the husband she the wife and you always wanted to be the storm..." he silently question as laxus shot me a look eye raised in amusement.
"yeah she was a weird child probably because who her parents were goofy jude and laid back layla you never had any rules before aunt layla passed on"  my cousin lizzy said as I shook my head.
"no remember when i got introuble for shredding my baby bib" i said as jason laughed.
"That was not getting in trouble you mom lecture you about cutting yourself then took you out for icecream" jason stated as I rolled my eyes.
"but i thought my mom was laid back layla she surely was not laid back how many times did she and aunt linda fight" I asked as she shrugged.
"they were sisters both married to heartfilia men Its only natural they faught all sisters do we just didnt have the honor of getting siblings" lizzy stated as I rubbed the back of my head.
"uh about that I um adopted a little sister" I said blushing as lizzy stared in shock.
"when you never told me!" she said as jason covered his ears.
"about 7 months ago" i said looking around the guild for chloe only to notice the entire guild staring at me. I motioned for chloe to come to me. She ran over smiling as I plopped her down in my lap.
"aw she is so adorable hi whats your name" jason said gushing as i laughed.
"chloe" she answered brightly.
"ugh lucy i want a new fiance and i saw a fine piece of piercings in a corner give me him." lizzy spoke as jason got very serious.
"um luce lizzy has to go she will see you tommorow" jason said smirking at lizzy who smiled at him deviously.
"get it girl" cana shouted just as the call ended. Chlow looked confused.
"why is he gonna hurt her" chloe asked inncently as the guild got quiet awaiting my answer.
"honestly I dont know go ask cana she has a clue." i said sending her off as the guild sweat dropped. I stood there for a minute thinking before laxus came over whispering it in my ear. My face exploded with heat as the guild chuckled.
I followed laxus out of the guild to ask him how he knows because if im gonna be in this guild with all the couples that have formed recently i need to know the signs of giving them privacy.
He looked at me confused.
"I need to become a sex radar... Uh i need to learn sex nope um... I need to know the signals for sex" i said as he laughed placing an arm on my shoulder as we started walking.
"well my apprentice the main thing to watch out for is a lot of physical contact like this." he said lowering his arm to grab my butt causing ny to swat him away.
"oh so like this" i said walking in front of him allowing him to wrap his arms around my waist.
"no this may be normal but this" he said pulling my rear end further into him as i felt a bulge.
"wow you got a package you might want to deliver" i said smirking at the pick up line cana had told bixslow a few days ago.
"cool now what happened after she said that." he asked me.
"bixslow took her to get a massage" i said as he smacked his forehead.
"what cana used was called dirty talk its what you say at times when you are sexually frustrated or need to release tension." he explained as i nodded mentally telling virgo to take notes.
"hmm an example could be you should probably already have your pants off when I get home... Im feeling playful." he said as i laughed that one was good.
"ok and whats next" he said
"the way you sound when you say it." he said as i nodded.
"you should probably already have your pants off when i get home... Im feeling playful" he said and I dont know how he did it but his voice was... Sexy.
"damn that that was good"I said as he did a bow.
"now you try everything I have taught you in one" he demanded as I nodded.
Facing him I placed his hands on my hips biting my lip lightly as I laid my hands on his bulging chest.
"mhm... i still feel deliciously sore from last night. You certainly know how to show a lady a good time" i said adding something to my voice that made it sound hot.
"oh you wanna tease me like that fine. Baby im really horny. What do you want me to wear to our date tonight?" he asked huskily as he squeezed my rear end.
"did you just ask me out on a date" I asked shocked as he smirked.
"so you caught on whats the answer" he asked standing his ground.
"I can not believe you " I said calling mira. she answered immediately.
"hey mira can you watch chloe for a while I have a date" I told her smiling as she passed out. I hung up bashfully as laxus lifted me into the air spinning me around.
" you said yes!" he said as I nodded cluelessly.
"look darling that guy just proposed and she said yes" an elderly couple said as I blushed.
"actually I asked her on a date" laxus confurmed as the couple stopped whispering to their selves though I heard so laxus heard.
"well if thats him asking her on a date what about asking to be boyfriend girlfriend" the lady said as I sweatdropped.
"or getting married" laxus sweat dropped.
"or that she is pregnant oh the poor sucker would pass out ah remember that was us as kids" the man said as they walked away.
"you know what they said" laxus asked. "about we were them as kids?" laxus said as I nodded.
"lets grow old together" he said smirking as I laughed.
"well lets go on a date" he said as I laughed.
" I need to go home and change so do you atleast give me 84%" i stated as he chuckled.
"ok ill see you Later" he said as i nodded walkibg back towards my house.
'Im going on a date'
Hola chambelán a good evening to you well good morning im about to head to school so i decided to end there.
What is this so call lacrima? Will lucy leave? How will the date go? Byeeeeeee

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