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Alyssa came back with Doctor Stevens. He basically he told me that it was completely normal for her to twitch and that it was nothing to worry about. He still told me not to get my hopes up because this didn't mean anything. He said to just keep holding on. I nodded, understanding and just sat next to her.

5 hours later and nothing else happened. I was laying on the couch in Aubrey's hospital room watching tv. Alyssa had left a little while ago and there was a knock on the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I stood up and walked over to the door, opening it and seeing my family. Aaliyah engulfed me in a hug making me step back a little and I hugged her back, resting my head on top of hers as my mom and dad walk in, shutting the door. As soon as Aaliyah let go, both my mom and dad hugged me.

Aaliyah sat by Aubrey's bed and my mom went to go see her too. My dad put both of his hands on my shoulders, "it's going to be okay, I promise." I smiled lightly and nodded at him. I sat back on the couch as my dad sat next to me. Aaliyah just stared at Aubrey with tears in her eyes. My mom was holding Aaliyah as she stared at her too.

My dad stayed sitting next to me as he tried to comfort me. "Did I tell you that one time that Aubrey helped me paint, it was a few weeks after you guys started dating." His elbows were resting on his knees and I was in the same position. I shook my head, looking at him, "no, I don't think you ever did."

He smiled scratching his stubble as he told me every little detail of that day. "It was for your mother actually, a little birthday present, she was always complaining that the living room was too dark and it made her upset so when she was at work, I called Aubrey and asked if she would be interested in helping me paint it a lighter color. Shawn, I don't think I was even off the phone with her when she knocked on the door. That's how fast she got there," he laughed and I laughed with him.

"She put her hair up, tied her jacket around her waist and grabbed a brush and instantly started helping and Shawn, she would not stop talking about you. Just after a few weeks of dating, she may not have said it, but she loved you, Shawn. She was so in love with you." He looked at me.

"Dad, I instantly fell for her the moment I saw her. I knew that that woman was the woman I was going to marry one day and I did." I sniffled as my dad was looking at me like he was proud. "The way she snorts when she laughs, the way she smiles at me the moment she wakes up, the way her cheeks get super red and burry her face into my chest when she gets embarrassed. I bought the engagement ring a week after we started dating. I just knew deep down that she was the one for me."

I looked up at Aubrey, getting emotional. My mom and Aaliyah were looking at me, listening to my words. My mom came over and sat in the chair next to me. "I'm so proud of you, honey." She pulled my head into her chest hugging me tightly and I hugged her back. "I love you," I said in a whisper. "I love you too, Shawn."

Two hours passed and we all ate and were just talking about Aubrey, happy moments we all shared with her. Aaliyah said that there was this one time her and Aubrey went to the mall and they got their nails done together and how Aubrey accidentally spilled the nail polish remover all over the counter and the employee got super mad and messed Aubrey's nails up on purpose but they just laughed it off.

Hearing all of this stuff about her makes my love for her grow even stronger, if possible. My mom shared a moment where her and Aubrey were looking at baby pictures of me and how she swears to god she saw Aubrey fall a little more in love with me. That one got to me.

A few minutes later we all said our goodbyes and my mom told me to text them if anything else happened. I told them I would and I shut the door, leaning my head against it as I let myself go. I started crying like crazy again. My head was throbbing from my crying all day. I slowly walked over to Aubrey, sitting in the chair next to her bed, taking her hand in mine.

I sat there for, I don't even know how long when the door was shoved open, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, KID?" It was Aubrey's dad. He had a beer can in his hand as he walked closer to me and I stood up putting my hands up in surrender, "what?" He laughed, "WHAT?! YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ASK ME 'WHAT'? YOU FUCKING LET MY LITTLE GIRL GET IN A CAR CRASH. ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT, YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER YOU DAMN BASTARD!"

He pulled his arm back getting ready to punch me and I tried to move away in time but his fist came in contact with my jaw and it knocked me to the ground. Three doctors ran in with a police officer and they pulled her dad off of me and pulled him out of the room as a nurse stayed back to see if i was okay.

"I'm fine, thank you, he's never liked me." I lightly laughed as the nurse handed me a bag of ice telling me to keep it against my jaw. "Thanks," I sat on the couch. She sat next to me putting her hand on my back, rubbing it awfully slow.

That's a little weird.

"It's my pleasure," she giggled. Yikes. "You look like a big bad boy," she smirked at me pointing to the cuts on my jaw. I swatted her arm away, "are you fucking kidding me?" I stood up, "you're going to fucking flirt with me as my wife lays there unconscious!?" She looked at me with wide eyes and a locked jaw. "Leave. And don't fucking come back to this room. If you do, I swear to fucking god, I'll make sure you lose your job. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Disgusting! She left the room, letting the door slam shut as she left.

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