Bay Pov
Before I even walked into the living room I heard Cullen yelling at uncle Steven. Uncle Steven was "watching" us this weekend as dad put it. As the middle child, only daughter and most mature I do not need him to be here. My two brothers on the other hand... let's just say Cullen and Tommy have their moments.
Cullen is 23, he will be the next alpha of our pack if he behaves himself. Tommy is 14, he is an annoying little brat. They both have their negative qualities but I love them to death.
I'm Bailey Lowell, I'm 17. Being raised by territorial overprotective males has made finding my mate difficult. Not to mention my father is an Alpha, and my mother a former Alpha killer. All my aunts have told me what it's like when you find your mate, how when you find him you just know.
"Uncle Zander and several of his pack members will be here for dinner," Steven told me as I sat down. Tommy handed me one of the controllers and I joined the game.
"you're on my team," Steven told me with a smile, us vs my brothers
"that's not fair!" Tommy yelled as there as a knock on the door. I set down my controller before running over to get it. "River" I yelled the second I saw my cousin. I jumped into his arms as he walked into the house. "I missed you Bay," he told me as he set me down.
"River!" Cullen said as he runs over and they chest bumped. River is only a few years older than Cullen. More people walked into the house, there was a faint scent that was making my wild go crazy.
A young man walked in carrying something for my Aunt Zoey who walked in after him along with Uncle Zander who also has his arms full. "Mate" my wolf sang, but I pushed the thought away and hugged my aunt. "My Baby Bay!" Aunt Zoey yelled as she pulled me into her arms. Steven guided the man with his arms full to the kitchen. I got a glimpse of his black hair and his toned back.
"How are you?" Zoey asked me as she tucked a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear. "I'm great," I told her "What about you!" I questioned. "I'm amazing," she told me as she spins me around.
"Zander come here!" Zoey yelled making my uncle and mate walk in. My mate's green eyes went wide when he saw me, my wolf was going insane. "Mate," He said making everyone go silent and look at him, he took shook his head before running out of the front door.
I couldn't help the tears from flowing, I ran up to my room and jumped into my bed, I buried my head into my pillow. "Mind link mom" Cullen said as I heard two sets of feet approach me. Zoey started rubbing back as she sat next to me.
"River went to go talk to him," Cullen told me as I sat up. My brother pulled me into his arms as I continued to cry.
Mason POV
"What the hell Mason!" I heard my best friend yell as I punched the closest tree to me. "Why?" He asked me as I turned to look at him. "I already had a mate!" I yelled at him making him freeze, "I met her the summer I turned 17, she rejected me for a human", I threw my fist at the tree again breaking it in half.
"You have another chance, Bay isn't like that," he told me, my wolf whimpered at her name. Bay. "How would you know? Your not apart of this pack" I told him making him laugh, "I have known her since she was born"
"I'm just going to avoid her till it's time to go home, she's better off without me," I told him as I looked away from him. He let out a sigh before turning around and leaving me, he's mad... they are all going to be mad.
~~~~~~~~I pulled myself out of bed and into my bathroom, I washed my face and put a light amount of makeup on, before I put on a cute outfit. "I'm going to show him what he's missing out on" I told my wolf as I pushed My blouse so it fell off my shoulder where he would mark me...this is going to be great.
I walked down the stairs as I put on my vans. I walked into the living to see my mother and all my aunts. My second cousin Ava was with them, they all looked shocked to see me out of bed. My mom walked over and hugged me, "it's okay sweetheart" she told me before I pulled away from her.
"The boys are going out for a run after dinner. You girls should join them," Aunt Summer told me. "Let's do it," Ava said and I nodded.
"Dinner is ready" my aunt Julia said before the oven beeped. "Food!" My Mom yelled. In seconds it sounded like hippos were running down the stairs. Ava and I went and took our seats before the herd of males arrived. Cullen sat to the opposite slide of me from Ava. River headed in and took the seat across from me. Soon My mate walked in, I looked to Ava as he walked to Rivers side.
My father was the last person to walk in. "I'm glad to see you out of your room," he said through our mind link, "just tell me which one he is and I will snap his neck" he added as he sat down.
"Nobody says anything, just drop it," I said to everyone in my pack through our link. As I looked up to see my mate staring at me. "Can I be excused?" I asked my parents, everyone looked at me. "Yes," my mother told me so I stood up and left the room.
Not even out of the front door, I shifted, leaving my ripped clothes behind as I ran into the woods.
My first mistake of the night.

WerewolfDisrespect her and your dead. Try and push her down and she will knock you down with twice as much force. Bailey Lowell is the daughter of two of the most feared werewolves in history. Her mother is a killer of Alphas And her father is the alpha...