chapter 4

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Boruto's pov

I woke up in the living room with Sarato sprawled against me. I had my arm out and he used it as a pillow, I sighed and he stirred awake. "GOOD MORNING TOU-CHAN!!" He greeted with a big smile.

"Good morning!!" We stood up only to see that Sarada has already left for her hokage work. "Damn, your mother already left. So what'dya wanna do today?" I turned my head to Sarato who immediately started thinking on how to spend the day with me.

"Do you mind if you train me, dad? I mean I got both of your kekkei genkai but I know you just got back and I understand if you-" I cut him off, "I don't mind, besides I want to spend time with you and at least I could spend time with you before I leave again" I stated and ruffled his hair.

"Thank you dad! I mean I could finall- wait you're leaving again?!" he exclaimed and I covered his mouth before he could yell anything else. "I'm sorry, remember your mom canceled me leaving in 5 days but next month I have to leave again for God knows how long" I explained.

"But back to the topic, where do you wanna train?" I asked and he instantly beamed, "Team 7 grounds!!" he answered enthusiastically, "Alrighty let's teleport there!" I say and activate my jougan and Sarato's eyes widened in amazement.

"Holy crap! That's so cool dad! It's just like mom's but hers is the sharingan and rinnegan just like grandpa Sasuke's!" he exclaimed and I teleported us both to my old training grounds. I turn to him with a grin matching his "So have you activated it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Damn, I really did miss out in the 12 years" I said and he laughed, "Sarato, try to activate it again and activate sharingan on your other eye and let's see" I said and he attempted to activate it and failed. He almost fainted but I caught him before he fell.

"Sorry dad, I can't do it" he simply apologized but I smiled at him the same way Tou-chan smiles at me, "Don't worry, sit there and watch me do it and I'll teach you" I said and deactivated my kekkei genkai. I closed my eyes and opened them, "BYAKUGAN!" I said and had my byakugan activated and Sarato was awed at the sight.

"THAT'S LIKE GRANDMA HINATA'S EYES!!" He exclaimed while pointing at my eye and I chuckled deeply, "Yes now try to activate both" he tried and I lost my breath when he did it sucessfully.

"THAT'S LIKE GRANDMA HINATA'S EYES!!" He exclaimed while pointing at my eye and I chuckled deeply, "Yes now try to activate both" he tried and I lost my breath when he did it sucessfully

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(Imagine it as the jougan instead of the normal blue eye)

"Did I do it right?" he asked with a wide grin that matched mine, "Of course you did, -ttebasa" I said proudly and hugged his head to my chest.

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