chapter 1

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An: hello!! Before the first chapter I wanna say this book is dedicated to my dearest friends, suyaine and Buh_Uchiha thank you guys for waiting for the sequel of Our Little Secret~ especially to this new fan of mine, Cookie_Lolzz I saw you commented on the epilogue and *sigh* I wanted to be nice and make all of your days and here is book 2 in advance. I published this 4 days before november 3 so thanks guys for encouraging me to do this.

3rd person's pov
She sitting was there just signing papers while constantly thinking when he'll come back.

She looked at the picture frame containing the picture of her and Boruto. She gazed at those specific cystal blue eyes she had missed the past 12 years.

"When will you be back Boruto?" She whispered to herself. She wanted him to hold her in his arms again like he used to before.

When she was young she didn't meet her father till the age of 12 and now their son is experiecing the same thing. She stood up and looked at the window and looked at the stars in the sky imagining them as his eyes, always shining with hope, detemination and love.

"Where have you gone? He misses you, I miss you so much" her voice choked in the end and she sat back down. Then she fell asleep while doing her late night work.

Just then her window opened a blonde wearing a black cloak sneaked inside.

"*sigh* I'm finally *pant* *pant* back Sarad-" He stopped at his sentence when he saw the person he had been missing for the past 12 years. He saw her asleep with her head just resting on her brown office desk.

He sighed and carried her to the couch and stroked her now longer onyx hair. When he left her hair was up to the back of her shoulders and now it reached her butt. Her eyes, she still continued to wear her red rimmed glasses and she still looked beautiful and breath taking as ever.

He decided to sleep beside her on the couch, "Nah why not" he simply aaid and snuggled up behind Sarada, hugging her from behind her placed his head on the nape of her neck.

They slept there peacefully, that is until morning came.

Sarada's pov
I woke up groggily. I noticed I was no longer sleeping on my desk but on my office couch.

I almost freaked out when I felt arms wrapped around my waist and breath on my neck. I nervously turned my head around to see my. . . . .husband. . .my thunder bolt. . . . . Boruto.

My eyes widened and he tightened his grip on me in his sleep. I smiled, 'he's back!!! He's finally back cha!!' My inner squealed. "B-bo-boruto" I stuttered out and he immediately woke up.

His eyes roamed the office til they landed on me and he smiled, "Hey Lady Hokage, I'm back" He simply said and I tackled him into a tight hug.

"You're back! You're finally back!! Damn it I missed you so much!" I fangirled and he laughed until the door opened revealing a complete duplicate of Boruto but with onyx black hair.

"KAA-CHAN!! I HEARD YOU SLEPT IN YOUR OFFICE FROM UNCLE MITSUKI -TTEBANO!!!" Sarato yelled but once he laid eyes on me and Boruto cuddling on my couch his eyes widened but he smiled widely before saying, "TOU-CHAN!!!"

An: so basically another generation of the Uzumakis that talk with "datteba" and adding something of their own. Kushina's "Dattebanne!"
Naruto's "Dattebayou!" Boruto's "Dattebasa!" And finally Sarato's "Dattebano!" Hope y'all like the new book bye!!

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