On hold.

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OK so here we go. I don't know how to explain this any better. Their Dark Secret will be on hiatus for a little (╥﹏╥). I will continue it when I finish all my work and exams this month. I can't do my work properly without worrying about how I can make a new chapter in this book. Yes, some may say I am capable of writing Asphyxia and BoruSara one-shots but writing three books would be a bit difficult. I just recently went on a school field trip and I just so happened to receive a lot of work regarding my field trip in all of my subjects.

I really want to continue this
(/ω\). Trust me,  I really really want to continue writing this
っ╥╯﹏╰╥c. But with me having to research jutsus almost every time I update is really hard. I just wanted this book to have a lot of action and battle because I've observed the recent episodes of Boruto have been kind of rushed. Don't get me wrong, I really really love Boruto but lately every episode has been a filler. I just wanted to make this book really interesting but I guess I can't because of my time, my scheds and blah blah blah......

I've been writing this book on my computer because it seems easier for me to research the jutsus but it becomes a little hard after a while. My back hurts after typing for a long time, my brain can't think of many ideas real quick, my eyes get sore after staring at the screen for a long time and I lose the appetite to eat after updating for 3 hours.

I'm not saying this for pity,  I just want you to know that it's stressful for an author to write 3 books at a time. I can still write about Asphyxia and the one-shots so don't worry about that.

I promise I will write this after my monthly exams,  just wait for me my readers. Sayonara!

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