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"If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane" ~ John Green.

It had been a week since we met Kavya , we became good friends and I low-key think Manjot likes her.
She lives in London and she showed us around a great deal.
Today we are meeting with her friend - Samiksha and going to a mall for some shopping.

(A/N : Allow me to introduce samiksha017  as Samiksha Jain. I know I don't really have a Cast-thing and all the characters are either as themselves or a work of fiction, but Samiksha Jain ~ who is Kavya's friend would be portrayed by samiksha017 .
Thank you. 🌸)

"Manjot?" I shout outside his and Jayants room
"Ek minute aaya" (one minute) he says and then slips out of his room.
"Chalein abh?" (Shall we go?) I ask him
"Haan ji. Chaliye" (yeah yeah let's go) he mocks me and I just roll me eyes and smile a bit.
Now I'm contemplating should I ask him about Kavya ?
"Abhay Kaha hai?" (Where is Abhay) He asks me as we enter the lift.
"Downstairs. With Manish"
So we get into the lift and I think I should ask him about Kavya....
Which I don't.

Just as the lift opens Kavya comes to meet us, her Auburn hair let down today and I instinctively turn towards Manjot, who's definitely staring at her.

Manish is sitting in a chair scrolling through his phone while Abhay is talking to a girl~ then I catch the look on his face and damn ! -he's flirting.

"Who's with Abhay?" I ask Kavya
"Oh that's my friend Samiksha" she says "come I'll introduce you guys"
Abhishek is definitely flirting.
"Sam" Kavya says as we reach her and Abhishek, engrossed in themselves.
"This is Shubman and this is Manjot" then she turns to us "This is my Samiksha"
"Hi" I smile at her and then raise my eyebrows at Abhay. He just shrugs.
"Hi" Manjot also chips in.
"Hii. I-" Samiksha grins and says as Abhishek interrupts
"Haan chalo ab bye, Suno na Samiksha Mai Kuch Bol raha tha na" (Ya ya enough. Listen to me now Sam, what was I telling you-)
"Tujhe Kya Hua?" (What happened to you?) I ask Abhishek.
"Pyaar" (love) Manjot sneers
Abhay gives us a 'WTF' look while Samiksha turns absolutely red and Kavya starts laughing.
"Chalein ab? Hogaya Tum logu ka. Mujhe shopping Karni hai." (Are you guys done now? I have to go shopping) Manish comes to us.
We all nod and leave.

The mall was huge like really very huge.
With Lights all around and people bustling it was beautiful.
It was a really fun day. Most of all for Abhay.
He was literally all day talking to Samiksha and she also seemed pretty into it all. But Manjot remained exceptionally quiet today. I don't know what was wrong , but something was.
I'll talk to him later , I decide.

Now with only 5 days left to the match we had decided that we would not go sight-seeing or shopping again. We'll just train hard and practice.

We all said our goodnights and went to our rooms. I was walking quietly while Abhay kept rambling about Samiksha. At this point my ears had given up. I was unable to understand any more Samiksha-related thing.

I lied down on my bed and thought about her.
For the first time since we came here.
I imagine her face- or try to.
Her smile.
Those Hazel eyes.
Stealing glances.
If I could do it all over again. I would.
I didn't know her social media profiles. I could ask Ishan. Or I could just type in Pallak Nair something sure would come up.
But I was scared. Scared that what if this something is her boyfriends face.
What if her Instagram is not private and I stumble on the pictures of his boyfriend?
With these thoughts I drifted to sleep and dreamt of her.
She was with me. In London.
I was showing her around .
She's so happy.
Smiling. Her smile is bringing a smile on my face too.
I don't need anything else. Just her is enough.
She's laughing now. It's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.
Her hand finds mine and she's taking her somewhere.
"It's a surprise" she giggles. Ah! My heart.
"Don't go" she suddenly stops laughing. "Please don't leave Shub"
Tears fill her eyes.
I don't want to but it's like I'm being controlled. My legs aren't mine.
"I won't leave you Pallak. Ever" I tell her and hold her hand
But she vanishes.
I wake up with a start.
I open my phone to check the time and it's 2:00 am.
There are a lot of Instagram notifications. I go through them in a swift swipe when something catches my eye and I am forced to go back to it.
Pallak Nair. It says. She has texted me. And ofcource I open it.

@nairpallak10 : Hi Shubman. It's Pallak Nair. From Ishan and Sana's engagement. Heard you were in London. Meet me maybe ?

Oh my God ! Oh my God !
I can't deal with it.
What do I tell her.
Yes ofcource. I love you.
Shit. What do I write!!!

I fall asleep.

Okay, so I updated like twice today. *fails chemistry*
But I was very excited to write this because of samiksha017 . She's been a very very supportive reader. Thank you !
And also booklovercricfan ~ Thankyou very much. You make me want to update more.
Also, I know that girl at the end of the last chapter (that is Kavya) wasn't a Major twist or something but I had to introduce two characters and I promise she does have a major role in the story.
Do let me know what you think.
~T. 🌸

infinite ~shubman gill ✅Where stories live. Discover now