Twenty four

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"I can't hold enough of you in my hands" ~ Franz Kafka.


Since Shubman showed me those texts, I believe him but then again, I'm finding it extremely hard to trust him again.

What if something goes amis again. Something like this happens again, will he just leave like this again? Probably.

It was probably some fangirl, who by the way, has no problem with Kavya! *suspicion bells*

"My money's on Kavya" Dabs says

"Yes, I think so too" Samiksha says shoving some ice cream into her mouth

Ishana nods "I think so too"

I just shrug and continue eating my Nutella, -bye bye dieting.

We're all at Samiksha's place having a girls night. It so reminds me of the good days back in London. -Divya, Vee and I.

Abhay and Sam's engagement is just around the corner. We have been shopping all week and Sam's parents are coming to Delhi tomorrow.

By the way Sam is as nervous as it gets. She has changed her dress like a hundred times. She has changed the theme a million times and the decorations like- pucho mat. An ginat.

Kavya and Shub have broken up. I don't know where that leaves us, even tho Shubman told me, that he loves me. I need some time to think it all through.

"Arey Hi, Tum sab!" Rahul walks in

"Aagaya yeh" Dabs sighs and we all chuckle

Even though they both fight continuously, there are moments where they get lost in each others eyes, Sometimes Rahul just sits at a corner and observes every move of Dabs.
Dabs too check Rahul out, very discreetly.

Or at least she thinks she is doing it all very discreetly.

I smell a love story

"Yaar it's girls night" Sam says to Rahul

"Yeh bhi girl hi hai, Rehne de" Dabs says

"Achaaa ab isko yaha rakhne ke liye kuch bhi" I tease Dabs and she blushes ever so slightly

"Blush vlush horaha hai koi" Ishana joins me, I laugh and turn to look at Rahul and he is blushing even more than Dabs

"Omg isko dekho koi" I laugh and Rahul lifts his gaze from the floor and gives me a 'seriously' look

They're  both too cute.

And then Sam gets a call.

"Okay okay" her face breaks into a beautiful smile "yasss"

Then she gets up and opens the door

"Abhay" we all say in unison and Abhay it is, at the door. Too dressed up and just behind him is Shubman.

Deja vu, I think.

"We're going out" Abhay declares

"We are?" Sam asks

"We are." He confirms "Get dressed jaldi Sam"

"God! Kitne unromantic hogaye ho" she says to him and then turns to me "Pallak come with me" She takes my hand and drags me to her room, and we start to find some surprise - date - dresses.

After Sam leaves WE ALL just sit in her home, discussing their engagement. Ishana is just upset that Mandy is not here.

Shubman turns towards me and says "Pallak, can we talk?"

I nod and we move to the balcony. 

"So?" I ask him as we sit down

He looks at me and smiles,

"Remember how you once told me that you love to write but have to join your father's business?"

"I don't" I confess

"Well, I am glad you went after your own passion" he smiles, again.

I am sure he has something important to talk about, but instead we just sit there and spend the half hour talking about random things.

He tells me about his captain ship roles. I tell him about my upcoming interview with a newspaper.

Then we talk about Abhay and Sam's engagement, how lucky they are to have found each other. 

Then we talk about how obviously Dabs and Rahul are in love, and how much they're trying to hide it from us, from each other and even from their own selves.

We are starting to get up and go back when suddenly he hugs me.

I have longed to be on these arms for far too long, I have felt so incomplete for these years that I had forgotten what it feels like  to be compete and now here in his arms all my worries have vanished.

I am losing myself and I just want to kiss him and he knows I am about to kiss him because he lifts my chin and gazes into my eyes. Bringing his face closer to mine

And then my phone rings and we snap out of the moment

It's Divya.

Hey Everyone! 
I'm so sorry for making you wait this long, a month is has been? Thank you all for waiting so patiently.

I have been very busy and will only continue to get busier. So that's no excuse,  BUT I will try to be more frequent with the updates.

So, Do tell me how you like the chapter.

-Until next time,

Thank you.

~T. 🌸

P.s. This chapter is hella unedited, so I apologise for any mistakes you find.

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