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"I guess it's true what say : if you wait long enough, everything changes" ~ Junot Diaz.

It was a quite evening and everything was all ready for the arrival of Shubman, Abhay and Manjot.

They had won the World Cup and now were coming back home.

All of them were waiting eagerly for them to arrive.

Samiksha, like always was hosting everything in her place- This love for hosting had found way into her career as well. She was the owner of a very successful chain of cafe's and restaurants.

Abhay too had found quite a lot of fame. He was the vice captain of the Indian cricket team and was in top form right now.

Form of his life as come called it.

She sat quietly, waiting for her husband to come. Abhay had insisted on her coming with him but she had a lot of important things to take care of.

A new outlet of her restaurant was to be inaugurated and their tiny little baby girl had her admission- interviews coming up.

So Samiksha and Meera had stayed behind.

Meera was 5 years old and the most important thing of both Abhay and Sam's life.

"Mumma."  Meera called Samiksha from a corner, where she was busy playing with Dhruv

"Yes baby"Samiksha went and scooped her up.

"When's papa coming?"

"Just a little bit more time, sweetie." Samiksha kissed her daughter and then placed her back besides the toys.

Dhruv had gone running to his mother as well.

"Maa" Dhruv went and sat besides his mother. He also wanted to know when his father would be back.

Ishana kissed his ear and then whispered something to him, he giggled and then went back to play.

Dhruv was exactly like Ishana. He had the same laugh, he did the same actions as Ishana, but his eyes were Manjots.

Ishana and Manjot had married a year or so after Samiksha and Abhishek.

Dhruv was 3 years old and Dhruv's little sibling was on his way as well.

Ishana was 8 months pregnant with -agar ladka toh Ayush and agar ladki toh Disha (if boy : Ayush and if girl : Disha)

Ishana was working as the manager of a grand industrial firm -which, by the way was one of the biggest rivals of Rahul's company. But they never let their professional lives interfere with their friendship.

Manjot had had a rough year. But he was still selected for the World Cup squad and boy did he deliver!

His form changed drastically and he performed as best as he could in the World Cup.

"Yaar yeh kab aayege" Dabs muttered (when will they come)

She was clearly getting very impatient.

"I can get you something to eat jaan (life)" Rahul said to her.

"No no" she shook her head.

Then they held hands and sat in silence.

Every 5 minutes, Rahul again asking Dabs if she wanted something.

They had married one year ago- and were going stronger than ever, with their little boy on their way. Dabs was 5 months pregnant and literally irritated Rahul a lot.

Pallak, she sat huddled down in a corner. She was missing  Shubman so badly. They hadn't talked properly since he had left.

Just a week before Shubman had to leave, they had gotten into this big fight, though it was solved quickly but there was this void in their life- not due to the fight

Everyone around them was having children and they too wanted children of their one. Very badly. Shubman had always been a sucker for little kids and had wanted a big family.

But they were having problems getting pregnant.

*knock knock*

Omg they're here.

"Papa papa papa" Meera ran laughing and skipping followed by Dhruv.

"Babies" Shubman stood on the other side of the door and he immediately drops his duffel bag and hug both the kids and then takes them in his arms.

Abhay and Manjot follow in.

We're all hugging each other, but being extremely careful with Dabs and Ishana.

Manjot gets down on his knees and kisses Ishana's baby bump, a few tears escaping out.

"I missed you so much" he hugs Ishana.

"I missed you." She laughs back tears.

Abhay and Sam are having their own moment. Sam is resting her head on his shoulder. Meera comes in between "Papaaa me too" and Abhay lifts her up and they both kiss her.

Their family is perfection.

Dabs is feeling hungry again,AGAIN.

Rahul has went to the kitchen to heat some pizza.

They all move to the living room.

Shubman and I are the only ones near the door

"I missed you Pallak."

"I love you. Shubman"

He smiles a bit and then hugs me "I love you too."

I smile against his cheek
"Shub" I say

"Hmm?" He hums back.

"Look at me na" I urge him.

"Haan bolo" his eyes stare into mine.

"You're going to be a father." I say to him "I found-"

But he isn't listening any more.

"Omg what?" He literally shouts. "Really?" He's crying now, so I'm crying too.

-now we are both crying and hugging each other.

"Guys what happened?" Samiksha comes to check on us.

"I'm going to be a father Sam" Shub hugs her and then takes my hand and leads me to the living room, where he starts telling everyone over and over again that he is to be a father.

infinite ~shubman gill ✅Where stories live. Discover now