Twenty five

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"Of course I'll hurt you. And of course you'll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. This is The very condition of existence. To become spring means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence means accepting the risk of absence" ~ Antoine de Saint Exupéry.



I start to cry.

I couldn't believe my ears

"Do you love Shubman?" I ask her, tears rolling down my cheeks.


"I asked do you love him?" I'm shouting now.

"No" she is crying too.

"Then why" My voice is as emotion less as it has ever been.




"Oh my God Samiksha" I say as I walk into her room.

She is trying on the dress for tomorrow and she looks so damn gorgeous.

"Abhay is gonna lose his mind" Ishana says

Samiksha giggles and blushes.

"Where is Dabs?" Samiksha Asks

"Oh usko kuch call aaya toh wo chali gayi" (she got a call, so she went somewhere)


"Rahul kya hai?" (What's it Rahul) She Asks me "I don't have much time, sab wait Kar rahe hai. (Everyone is waiting)

"I just- uh- wo" I stared to tell her but I lost my voice somewhere.

I was done with hiding my feeling for her. I liked her a lot, since the day of the outing with Manjot. But I thought she hated me.

These few days, I have felt that maybe she feels the same. Everyone says she does- so I'm gonna go for it.

But how? I don't know.

"Dabs" I say

"Haan?" (Yes?) her voice rings in my ears.

It is the most beautiful sound. I effing love her. The way her hair falls onto her face and she is least bothered about it-

She interrupts my thoughts by saying

"Kuch bolna hai ki nahi?" (Are you going to say something or not?"

"I just don't know how to say it- I like you- I- fuck it" I say and move closer to her and then suddenly her lips are on mine.

My hands pull her closer to me and I hold on to her waist. Her hands are wrapped around my neck and our lips are moving in sync.

I have never kissed anyone with this much force.

And my hands push her hands to the wall and then our bodies are all over each other and we're stumbling all over the place.

I kiss her.

"Rahul" she whispers my name as I start kissing her neck and -

infinite ~shubman gill ✅Where stories live. Discover now