Twenty seven

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"True love will triumph in the end- which may or may not be a lie, but if it's a lie, it's the most beautiful lie we have" ~ John Green.

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for 5K reads! I'm so grateful for y'all. I could've never thought that so many people would read INFINITE.

Thankyou, Everyone.



So, the last 2 days have been pretty hectic.

Now that Samiksha and Abhay's engagement is over, Pallak's hurt side is coming out. She was so busy with Sam and Abhay's engagement that she had forgotten all about Veronica but now it's all coming in bouts.

She's crying and eating ice cream- it's like she's going through a big bad breakup.

And I want to be there for her, with her. Just want to hold her.

And it'll all be possible after today.

Today we are telling everyone that we are officially back together. Pallak and I. It feels so right.

Something always felt amiss with Kavya and now I realise that was the fact that she wasn't Pallak.

Nobody can be Pallak.

"Shub" Dabs opens the door. "Pallak is in the living room."

"Hey" I greet Pallak.

She's basically a mess. Her eyes are red. Her hair is all tangled. She's wearing her night-clothes and watching Tv.

"I called Sam, she said you were at Dabs' place"

"Yeah, I though to give her space" she laughs "after all she's busy Ab"

"It's okay" I kiss her forehead and she snuggles closer to me.

We spend the rest of the day watching Glee.


It's been a week, since we told everyone about us. Pallak is coping well with everything and things are falling back into place.

Today we all are going out for a picnic-day.

Pallak and I decided to have a bit of our own time, before joining the others. I'm picking Pallak up from her home, then we're going to a nearby coffee house.

"I'm outside your house" I text Pallak.

"Coming. 🧡" she types back.

And then she appears through the front door. She's looking so beautiful. She's even wearing the promise- pendant I had given her.

"Wow you look absolutely gorgeous"

"Thanks Shub" she blushes a bit and then looks down.

"Let's go?" I give her my hand and we get into the car and drive down to the coffee house.

Inside, I had it all decorated and booked for us only.

"Shub" she exclaims as she looks around "it looks so beautiful" then she hugs me and I hug her back, my world is complete.



Shubman had made it so special, this was outlet first date in ages, and also the first one in India.

Everything was looking gorgeous. Shubman has put in so much of efforts.

We had a really great time. We talked so much and caught up on everything. I was sitting right next to him, not face to face. His hand kept caressing my thigh, then wrist and then my neck.

infinite ~shubman gill ✅Where stories live. Discover now