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Lucys POV:

I unlock the door quietly walking into the living room area, the others following behind me.

My mother is definitely home.

And there she is.

My mom has a face you kinda have to remember, like, her relaxing face looks like she just killed a person. She seemed to have thinned down a bit, although she still had some weight on her. She had short, dark brown hair, that came to a slight curl at the ends. Not to mention her overuse of the color pink.

Now I know you have to look deeper than looks or whatever but still. After looks there is not much there.

"Lucy, you're home. And you brought friends."

I've been spotted.

"Hey, um, yeah. These are my friends," I introduce them. And inform her that we will be heading upstairs, all too avoid my own embarrassment.


As we head up the I wonder why she totally skipped a conversation with her mother, but those thoughts soon went away as we entered her room.

My first impressions of it was that it wasn't very Lucy at all. It had a light pink color to the walls with flower accents her and there. There was a desk near the only window in the room. The desk was covered with paper and a couple notebooks here and there, and besides it a leather backpack. Her bed had two pillows and the bed itself matched the room because of its small size and with its light pink blankets.

Everyone found a place to sit around the room. Lucy was in the desk chair, Holly and george on the bed and I in a cushioned seat.

We had began talking about the homes we saw earlier that had appeared to be burned down.

"The one home we saw belonged to my closest friends growing up. His name was James Patterson." Lucy spoke fondly, "even though James was quite older than me we were always pretty close. I wonder what happened to him. Last time we talked I was deciding whether or not I should leave."

"So, a while ago" Holly chimed in.

"Yeah, a long time ago."

It was silent for a bit after that which we all kinda needed after the interesting day we had.

And after a bit Mary had popped her head into the room, "Can I join you?" She asked us, and of course we allowed her to enter.

"So how was your walk?" She asked.

"About that" Lucy began, "We walked around, and in, James Pattersons home, what happened there?"

Mary frowned a bit, "Well, you remember Jacobs right?"

"Uh, of course but what does he have to do with houses being burnt down?"

"His agency ran out of money a long while back so any house that has a haunting is being burnt down by the local government."

"That's not right shouldn't they ask for other agencys first?" George questions her, "The homes belong to people right?"

"That's the thing most of the homes are owned by people with not a lot of money, so when the government asks them if they could burn down those homes in exchange for homes already bought by the government there going to say yes! There getting the homes for free!"

"But when did the local government get the money for these places?" I now start to question.

"They get it from the people here."

Lucy pipes up, further answering my question, "Lockwood, part of the city is a really rich neighborhood, so when they pay highly for the things the government provides the get a lot of money."

"That seems crazy."

"It is." Mary speaks, It really is, now I think some people make up about ghosts in there homes. But it's really bad."

"What happened with Jacobs?"

"They refused to go back and take care of um, the wythburn mill."

Then there was silence.

Then there was Lucy.

"I'm guessing no one even tried to solve the mystery of that place. Did they just burn that down too?"


The look on Lucys face was scary, not that she herself was, but she looked mad, sad and, terrified all at the same time.

Lucy took a glance at her bags that were across the room, it was the skulls turn to speak I suppose because you could just sense him speaking.

Mary got up to leave the room saying that it was about time to go to bed.

Lucy just shook her head and asked Mary one more question.

"Do you think I could go back?"

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