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Lockwood POV:


I sit up to a loud sound coming from the hallway.

Now when you're an agent, a loud noise in the middle of the night is never good. In fact it's never good for anyone. And so I did what anyone else would do. Which is assume that there is something not human roaming the hallways. I had gotten up and grabbed my rapier from my bag and went to investigate.

What I saw though was far from what I assumed.

When I had peeked out into the hallways I only saw Lucy, dressed in her day-time attire, swearing to her self.

"Uh, Luce?"

More frustrated mumbles and then a worn out reply.


"What are you doing?"

"Going out for a bit?"

"I'm not sure that's the best idea at this time of night."

"I am well aware, I have my rapier on me just in case."

I sighed out. She is definitely a entertaining girl, that 's for sure.

So I just shake my head. After a bit of conversing I had managed to convince her to let me go with her.

So fifteen minutes later we were walking in silence. I had managed to see quite a few spirits around, all of which were type ones, gladly.

After a bit we walk towards a small cafe, which was brightly lit from the insides and outsides. It was a small cafe but who was I to judge, I run a small business .

Lucy makes it clear that it's our destination so we make our way inside.

The first thing you notice about the place is all the little do-dads and trinkets. The insides were painted a dull yellow, which complimented the wooden tables and booths. The wall was covered with pictures of kids and teens standing together. And what I thought was cool was that Hanging above some tables were differently decorated rapiers, each with a different color theme.

The place was nice and a had a pleasant homey feeling to it.

Looking at Lucys face I noticed her soft smile immediately as it appeared. She clearly was quite familiar with the cafe.

"Lucy!" A worker called out for her and waved her over. She walked over and I followed behind.

"Hey Kira, how are you?" Lucy smiled fondly.

Kira talked fast, clearly excited to see her, "Lucy, I saw you in the papers, you're so cool! I've read such good things in the paper!"

She glanced at me.

"Is that Lockwood!?" She leaned into Lucy, "He's cute" she whispered.

"Um, I guess." Lucy mumbled, which was slowly forcing a smile onto my face.

Lucy and Kira exchanged a few more words.

"I'll have to go my shift is up i'll see you later right?" Kira questioned, "Of course I will. Well, talk to you later."

She exited the building and Lucy ordered us some tea. She chose a seat and signaled me to sit down, which I did.

"So, what is this place?" I question.

"This is a cafe, ran by former agents for agents. See the pictures there of different agencies agents, i'm in a couple of these photos actually." Lucy answered glancing around at the place.

"Who's Kira? She seemed to be pretty hyper." I was kinda confused on this little trip we're taking.

"I worked with Kira a few times, Kira is a girl who was kinda mean to me when I worked with her." Lucy paused before continuing, "Kira seems to have changed her opinion on me now i'm living in London, but then again, why am I surprised."

I glanced at the photos on the wall. "Can you show me the pictures of you?"

She slid out of the booth with a "Sure, why not."

She glanced at a couple of the walls before motioning for me to come over, which I gladly did.

The picture she showed me was of a group of children ranging in ages. Then I noticed a certain little girl, with brown short hair and large bright eyes. It was obviously Lucy, she didn't look much older than nine or ten (even though she seemed a short for her age), but she didn't look like she changed much of her style over time.

"Oh boy i'm not even looking at the camera." Lucy comments in a very unimpressed tone.

"You're cute here so you get away with it."

Then she pointed to a photo that was not to far away from the last one.

In this photo Lucy was more noticeable in this photo since she was older in this. She was a taller in this photo with a dark colored uniform looking quite unhappy with the situation, she was just staring at the camera with a irritated looked in her eye that I immediately recognized.

Lucy stared at the photos with a face on that was hard to read. She seemed lost in thought for a quick moment.

Suddenly Lucy began talking about the old agency she used to work at and everyone she hated and loved. It was funny hearing stories about her old life. She talked about how she gave a supervisor a bloody nose and how she had nearly gotten killed playing a game of truth or dare with the other kids.

"At one point I was making most of the money in our house and a couple of my sisters accused me of being the result of my mother cheating in my dad or something like that cause I was the only one in the family to have physic talents in general." She smiled softly at that, me on the other hand was a bit concerned but I had decided against telling my point of view. "At first they thought I was making it up or something."

"Guess they were wrong huh?"


We stared at the photos on the wall for another moment before returning to our seats. We drank our drinks and stayed silent for a few minutes before she spoke with a sigh.

"Lockwood, I want to do something about the Wythburn mill." 

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