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It was only a couple days after I had my fitting that I decided to visit an old friend.

His name was Johnathan. He was an interesting fellow. I hadn't spoke to him since before the mill and I decided why not try to reconnect to an my only real friend from my past. It was worth a try anyways.

And so that morning I had set out on a mission, bringing the others along. It wasn't to much of a hassle to do so but it was a little far for a walking distance.

"So, Lucy, what is this friend of yours like?" Lockwood had asked.

"He is very spontaneous, or was last time I saw him. He was a very talented agent when he was younger but, he is much older than me so i'm guessing his talent has gone away by now. He was a listener like me." I had told them a description of the nature of my old friend and arrived to our destination. 

One thing is for sure. His family had money. 

His house was in the rich part of town, the part that made the middle class look poor, and the anyone below look like rats. Although he always said that if that was true, i'd be a mouse.

I got a few looks from the others, they couldn't help it. His house was a large, white, mansion. It was beautiful. 

I rang the doorbell and it didn't take long for someone to answer. Then a man answered. He was relatively good looking, all but is hair which was a mess. I can only imagine the horrors going through Lockwoods mind of what happened to it.

"Lucy! Look at you! You're so much more grown up, and I see you brought friends. Please step in." Cuban-English accent coming through. This man was Johnathan. A tall, tan skinned man who had bright eyes and a thrill for travel. I was surprised he was even home.

"Johnathan, how are you?" I smiled, stepping into the large house.

"I am very good. Here, please sit. All of you." He patted a couch, and sat in the chair beside it. 

"John, this is my friends, Holly, George, and Lockwood," I had introduced them, "Everyone this is Johnathan. He the old friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you." Holly shook hands with him first.

We went on to speak about the habits we had gotten into while we were apart. Listing the experiences seemed to make it feel like it'd been fifty years since we've seen each other. He had brought in tea for us all to drink and we talked, and talked.

After that our conversations had switched to before I moved away. We gossiped about the people we used to know and shared our experiences together.

"I'll have you know that before Lucy was around twelve she would make a habit of running around and getting herself in trouble." He had said.

"Oh really now?" George had questioned, "How much trouble did she get in?" He surly wanted the information for some sort of blackmail. I was just glad the skull in the jar wasn't here. That'd wrenched thing would never let me live this moment down.

"Oh yes. My favorite memory is when she gave a teenage boy a bloody nose when she was eight." John smiled. "She had always been teased by fellow workers and as it continued she'd find herself in trouble. This particular time however, she had been teased by a boy who was about sixteen and got feed up. She tripped the young man and then punched him hard in the nose." 

My face burnt up. "It isn't one of my proudest moments. . " I had said.

"Maybe not but it sure was one of the funniest. I'm sure if you all had been there you too would laugh at the shock on the boys face. Never messed with her again."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

It was silent for the moment he took a sip of tea.

"So Lucy," He began,"What ever did happen at the old mill. I never did hear the details about my sisters, uh, passing."

My friends looked at me wondering if i'd really share or not.

Here goes nothing.

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