Whats Wrong With Jungkook

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*the day before*
(its technically the same day as the story line since its in the morning but you get it)

Jungooks POV

I had just finished rehearsing the dance steps to Euphoria. When I looked at the clock, I saw that it was already 1.30 in the morning. I jumped and grabbed my things and left immediately before Namjoon hyung scolded me for being out too late.
As I was making my way to the exit of the Bighit building, I noticed the lights were still on in the Genius Studio. I wondered if Suga hyung forgot to turn it off, so I entered the code to his door to see what was up.

When the door unlocked I saw Suga hyung by his computer dosing off. I walked up to him and poked him softly on his arm. "Hyung, it's getting pretty late, do you want to head back to the dorm with me now? Or do you want to finish up?" Suga hyung widely opened his eyes in shock, confused why anyone was still here at this hour. As soon as he realized it was just me,he released a soft sigh. He nodded his head and closed his computer after saving his work. I could tell the only think on his mind was sleep, so I interlocked his arm with mine and I guided him to the exit while he closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder and instantly dosed off.

As we walked closer to the exit, I heard loud clashes. I thought to myself "You've got to be kidding me".
Before I knew it could wind had hit my right in my face with the loud sound of water hitting the cement.
"Just my luck" I thought because for one, I did'nt have an umbrella with me and the bighit building didnt have any at the counter and secondly I was drenched in sweat which made me even colder. I shivered while making sure I wasn't waking up Suga Hyung from my shaking.

Cursing at how cold I was, I remembered we needed to get back to the dorm so I had to put aside the thought of how cold I was and replace it with how to get to the car which was a 5 minute walk from here. I wanted to get the car on my own then come pick Suga Hyung up but I remembered he's asleep and you can't just leave a man or an idol for that matter alone asleep in the pouring rain! Namjoon Hyung would kill me if I ever did that, so I carried Suga bridal style to the car and ran as fast as I could.

Before I knew it, we reached the car but we were drenched head to toe. Surprisingly, Suga Hyung didn't even wake after. He must have been exhausted. Poor Hyung :(

I raced back to the dorm, parked the car, carried hyung bridal style again into the dorm. When the warmth of the dorm hit my face, a sense of relief flowed through my body while shivering from how could I was.

I carefully put hyung on the sofa, took both his and my shoes off and carried him to his room that he shared with J-Hope hyung. I opened the door quietly, and tip-toed towards the bathroom (which i was utterly grateful they had one in their room). I closed the toilet seat and let him sit down while I took dry clothes for him.

Once again, I tapped him awake softly and asked him to change. He looked at me confused at first but then shrugged and proceeded to change while I waited outside. When he came out, he whispered at soft "thank you" to me and proceeded to lay on his bed. I smiled and went up to him to say goodnight but noticed he was shivering as much as I was so i grabbed him an extra blanket from the closet and set it over him while turning off the fan hobi hyung had on.

I then exited the room and went to my room that I shared with Jiminie. I was not happy opening the door, because it felt like I was standing right infront of the north pole with a thin T shirt and shirts. I was shaking faster than Suga hyungs tongue technology. I braved the cold and headed right to my closet to grab a pair of clothes and ran out to the toilet.

I looked at the clock on the way there and it was almost 2.30 , there was no point showering since I needed to get up at 6.30 for rehearsals anyway. I changed into my oversized hoodie and sweatpants. I then proceeded to the kitchen to boil some water to stop myself from shivering. As soon as the water boiled, I poured myself a cup and placed my face over the steam to let it sooth the coldness I was facing.

When the water was cool enough, I took multiple sips and walked to my room. I finally felt warmed up so I felt that it was time I went to sleep. I grabbed an extra blanket and wrapped myself up in it and plopped myself on the bed while putting another blanket over my body for extra warmth because for some reason I slept in the North Pole.

Soon sleep caught up with me and I feel asleep, completely forgetting that I had at most about 4 hours of sleep.

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