no time to stop (namjoon)

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"arshh. This isnt right. No no no. There is something missing. But what can it be?" Namjoon voiced. The album deadline was coming up in a few weeks and Namjoon felt that he was falling behind with his work. No matter how he tried, he just couldnt produce good songs.

He stayed up till about 5 in the morning. Once he saw the sun starting to rise, he told himself that this is it. He must go to bed once he finishes this part. He was so engrossed in the music production that he jumped when he heard alarms ringing. Not again. He stayed up all night again without making any progress. Again.

"Namjoon hyung are you awake?" Jimin came walking in the room. He saw Namjoon working hard at his desk and sighed. "Another unproductive yet sleepless night?" Jimin asked. Namjoon just sighed defeated. "Its ok, youll get there soon. How about you get some shut eye till we go to the studio." Jimin suggested.

Namjoon wanted to carry on but his eyes were saying otherwise. So he hopped onto his bed and went into slumber.

The members really tried to let Namjoon get as much shut eye as he could. But with a packed schedule, it really hard to pull off. So after about a sad 45 minutes, Namjoon was awoken to head to the studio.

After a long day at the studio filled with dance practices, meetings, interviews and everything else in between, the boys are let off for the rest of the day. This leaves them about 11 hours before they head back to the studio the next day. And of course, Namjoon should be taking this time to sleep. But no. Music comes first.

And this is when the cycle repeats itself.
Work on music when you're supposed to sleep. Sleep when you're supposed to get dressed which is a 45 minute time frame. 1 hour if you're lucky. A very long day at the studio. And then work on music when you're supposed to sleep. This awful sleep schedule went on for days. If not weeks. The members knew that this is in no way good for your health so they kept telling him to rest. But to no avail, he continued overworking himself.

During his usual work when you're supposed to sleep session, he felt a tickle in his throat. He had no time to slow down to think much about it so he just chugged some water down. After a few hours, that tickle evolved to a slight cough which then evolved to a cough which was then accompanied by a runny nose. It was then when he reached for the tissues what was going on. He was falling sick. But he didn't let that stop him. He had a deadline to meet.

As usual the members alarms started ringing and so it was time for him to stop work and catch that sort period of shut eye. He really did not want to stop today though. He was on a roll. He thought of just the perfect melody when Jin opened the door. "Namjoonah, its time to sleep. Go to your bed now" Namjoon ignored him and continued working. He needed to finish this. "Namjoonah, listen to me. You need your rest, if not youre going to get" As if he timed it, Namjoon sneezing interrupted Jin. "I rest my case. Wait a minute." Jin continued and then stopped realising that Namjoon was indeed sick. He looked at the used tissues laying around on the table and on the floor, he looked at Namjoon coughing every so often. "You really are a stubborn one. Well I am going to call in to see what we should do with you. When I come back, you better be in bed" Jin sternly warned. Namjoon just nodded and continued working as Jin left.

Jin broke the news to the members that Namjoon was sick and no one really was all too surprised by it. It was bound to happen. While Jin was on the call with management, Jungkook sneaked his way out of the living room and into Namjoons room. Jungkook saw his hyung looking terrible and sounding horrible might I add. He quietly walked up to Namjoon and said "Hyung.. Please go rest. It's really late and you're starting to get really sick if you keep this up. I know you want to finish this but please hyung. Health comes first. Please" Namjoon looked at Jungkooks pleading eyes. He did not want to disappoint him. Namjoon looked at his music, was pleased enough with it to leave it as it is for now. He picked up a glass of water, chugged it down. Grabbed some tissues and proceeded to lay down. Jungkook was caught off guard. He didn't think that would work. He actually got the Kim Namjoon to stop working and to go to bed. Jungkook put on a bright smile and said "Thank you hyung. Now please go to bed. You look like really bad." And with that Jungkook ran out of the room with a last "Get well soon hyung" before Namjoon could yell at him for indirectly calling him ugly.

Fortunately for Namjoon, he had the week off. Of course that meant he had a week to rest but what excited him the most, is that he had a week off to focus on his music. Finally.

When he felt like he had rested enough, he headed out of his room to scan for any living presence in the house. And with that he was alone. He grabbed several bottles of water, some medicine that Jin left for him on the table and a box of tissues and returned to his room. He grabbed his laptop and brought his work to the comfort of his own bed. Just in case the members come in, he could fake sleep and make them think hes resting.

*time skip to when the members come back*

Namjoon heard the front door opened and the hallway started to fill with sounds of energetic people. Namjoon quickly closed his laptop and turned his back to the door. The members all peeked inside the room to see if he was alseep. They bought his fake sleeping act expect for one after he heard a muffled cough as he was about to leave. He stood there for about a minute just to see if he was going to make more noise. And he did. Namjoon let out a coughing fit into his blanket and sneeze several times hoping that his blanket would absorb all the sound he is making.

Jungkook walked towards Namjoon, picked up a bottle lying on the floor and some tissues. He shoved it in front of Namjoon's face and Namjoon grabbed it with a small tiny thanks coming out of his mouth. As he sat up, Jungkook saw light coming from under his pillow. He pulled out the light source and it was his computer. "Last edit 6 minutes ago" the computer read. Jungkook sighed and said "You know hyung, you tell us to go easy on ourselves but here you are, sick. like very sick. And yet you're still pushing yourselves. Why? You can't keep doing this to yourself everytime the album deadline is coming up. Look at you. "

Namjoon didn't know what to say. Instead he just coughed to imply that he was "too sick" to speak hoping Jungkook got the message. But Jungkook didnt buy it. Namjoon had to just accept that Jungkook was right. He let out a tiny cracked sorry, took the computer and set it one side. He crawled back into bed and tried to sleep. Jungkook stayed with Namjoon till he knew for sure that Namjoon was asleep.

Eventually, Namjoon recovered with the help of his members are his friend, sleep. But when the next album deadline came around, does he learn his lessons or will he fall sick yet again.

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