stay (sope)

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Yoongi awoke with a sore throat, a dull headache and a stuffed up nose. He had no energy to leave his room to interact so he thought he'd just be a couch potato today. It wasnt until noon till he had his first unwanted visitor.

"Hyung, its noon, time to get up. Its late." Namjoon barged in. The light coming from the corridor made yoongi hiss as the light annoyed his eyes which made his headache worse. "go away namjoon." Yoongi said realising how raw his voice sounded. Namjoon heard how painful his voice sounded and figured he was sick or
had just watched a really sad drama. Namjoon couldn't quite figure out. Regardless, he left Yoongi alone.

Then came Jin about an hour later. "Yoongi, get out of bed and eat lunch. I made lunch for you. So it is your job to get out of here and eat." "Not hungry. Give to others." With that, Jin left irriated as he did not want to argue with Yoongi or put up with the whole "im not hungry".

By the evening, Yoongi had attempted to sleep several times. But each time he tried, he was awaken by a member. He wondered why the members only bother him when he doesn't want to see them. At least he only saw/ heard each member once today .He probably scared them all away but what else can he do, he was tired but he couldn't sleep because of them.

All but one member has came to Yoongis room that day. All but Hoseok. "Hey Hyung, where is Yoongi hyung? I haven't seen him all day." Hoseok asked Jin. Simply replied "ask the others, he dared to say he didn't want to eat my cooking."
So hoseok asked everyone but they all didn't want to answer the question. Taehyung finally told Hoseok that Yoongi was in his room and that he probably did not see him in it because he was so well hidden in there.

Hoseok ran to Yoongis room and knocked on the door but got no answer. As soon as he opened it, Yoongi yelled at him to get out. Hoseok could tell something was wrong but he couldn't tell. He softly said "Hyung.." Yoongi didn't hear him and continued saying leave now. It was only until Yoongi heard Hoseoks "ok then" when he realised who it was.

"wait stay. please" Yoongi said softly. With that Hoseok walked towards his bed. Hoseok sat on the bed frame of Yoongis bed side and took one look at him and knew he was sick but why was he so cranky.

Hoseok asked softly " What's wrong hyung?" Yoongi simply replied "can't sleep".

"Move over hyung" Hoseok said almost demanding. Yoongi did as such. Hoseok crawled into Yoongis bed and made himself comfortable. He put one had around Yoongis hip and the other around his shoulder. He pulled himself closer to Yoongi to give him a comforting feeling to help him go to sleep.

Yoongi faced Hoseok and said "what took you so long" Hoseok smiled and stroked Yoongis hair and replied " No one told me you were sick. I thought you were in the studio. I came to check your room earlier today but I guess I didn't see you. But why didn't you tell me. I would have been here for you the whole time. I left you alone for an entire day. You know I'm here for you when you need me right? Don't think you're burdening me. You are not. Your health is important to me."

Yoongi turned back to staring at the wall. He moved closer into Hoseok's embrace and closed his eyes. He know felt the comfort he wished he had all day. It was finally here.

"Yoongi, you know you're really hot right" Hoseok said. Yoongi just blushed and looked at Hoseok in disbelief. It wasn't until they looked each other in the eyes for Hoseok to realise what he said. "Oh that came out differently. I meant you're burning up. Did you take medicine yet?"

Yoongi started to laugh which unfortunately turned into a coughing fit. Hoseok sighed and got out of Yoongi's bed and existed Yoongis room .He went to grab some medicine and a bottle of water and returned to the still coughing Yoongi. He handed Yoongi the items he grabbed. After Yoongi was finished, they continued where they left off.

"Thank you Hobi. I feel better already with you by my side." Yoongi said shyly and soon they both fell asleep cuddling each other.

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