Whats wrong with Jungkook Pt 4

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*in the bus to the studio*

Jungkooks POV

The first thing I did as we got in the bus was sleep. The ride may not be long but I was so exhausted I needed to get sleep at every opportunity I could get. I fell alseep on Tae's lap as he was stroking my hair which made it easier for me to sleep.

Taehyungs POV

Jungkook laid on my lap which took me by surprise because it was very unlike him to do so. I was started to get worried how sick he actually is because he's not communicating what's wrong with him as always. I waited till he was asleep to bring this up to the other members in case he objects over any decision made for his wellbeing so I stroked his hair hoping it would work as it does on Hobi-Hyung.

Seconds later, I could hear a soft snore coming out of his nose. And so it was time.

"Erm Hyungs..."I said quietly hoping that it would grab at least Namjoon-hyungs attention and not wake kookie up. To my liking, everyone but yoongi (who was asleep) directed their attention to me.

I proceeded and said " Do you think its possible to make today's schedule somewhat less hectic? Kookie's looking quite pale and exhausted.. I'm worried that if he continues to push through, he's not going to get better anytime from now.." 

Namjoon nodded his head and silently thought for a while . As he was about to say something, Jungkook broke the silence in the bus by having a coughing fit. I patted his back lightly hoping to relieve it. It was then I realized how many layers he was actually wearing. There's got to be at least 3 more layers under the sweatshirt he was wearing. And he was getting worse. I just know. "please hyung, jungkookie is just getting worse by going to the studio.He just developed this cough of his. We all know that he's not going to stop pushing himself unless the schedul-" I begged but was cut off by namjoon-hyung saying "alright Ill call BangPDnim to see what I can work out."

Namjoons POV   

I took out my phone and dialled BangPDnim.

(this is the conversation of the phone call)

Me: Hello BangPDnim, I'm sorry to bring this issue up and disrupt your busy schedules but Jungkook-ah is sick and in fact developing new symptoms or his symptoms are getting worse..

BangPDnim: Does he have a fever? Has he taken medicine for whatever symptoms he's having?

Me: Ill check with him, give us a few minutes as he's sleeping right now.

"Taehyungah can you check if he has a fever and wake him up to ask him if hes taken any medicine for his syntoms yet." I announced. 

Taehyungs POV

I followed through with Namjoons order and attempted to wake jungkookie up, I got in response a sneeze and another coughing fit. He opened his eyes at me and listened to my question. He just shook his head and his eyelids just drooped back down. I reported back to namjoon hyung and said "I think he might have a slight fever and he said he hadn't taken any medicine yet."

Namjoon POV

me: BangPDnim. He does have a fever and hasn't taken any medicine yet.

BangPDnim: Ok. Was that him sneezing and coughing just now?

Very timely, Jungkook had another sneezing and coughing fit right after BangPDnim asked that question.

Me: Yes. It doesn't seem to be getting better but instead, worse.

BangPDnim: Ok. Give me a moment to think of adjusted plans for you all.

BangPDnim: Namjoon-ah, since for the next two days the schedule is to adjust the setlist for the tour and work on the new concept. We can settle the setlist today then you can all head back to the dorms to work on the new concept for the next two days. Yes,that means you don't need to turn up tomorrow but I want to see some work completed so please forward something to me. See you in a while in my office.

me: Ok thank you so much BangPDnim! Bye. see you in a bit.

I got off the phone and repeated what BangPDnim told me to the members and we were all satisfied with the decision made.

After a few minutes we reached the studio and woke up the sickly one and the grandpa and left to meet BangPDnim to discuss new arrangements of the setlist. 

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