Whats Wrong with Jungkook Pt 7

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Jin's POV

A tingling sensation ran down my spine when Yoongles came back from the toilet. He looked to be as though he was in pain. My motherly senses was causing the tingling. Yoongles is sick. I just know it. Why else would he spend so long in the toilet. But how do I manage to make him admit it? He would never give in? Does anyone else notice that Yoongi is sick too?

I zoned out for so long about having to care for the sick members and what it would do to our packed scedules if they dont recover quick enough that I didn't even realise that we were done. Ah finally. Time to get Jungkookie home to rest.

We said our goodbyes to BangPDnim and packed into the van after Yoongi ran away to the van with the half awake bunny leaning against him. When we arrived,Jungkookie was fast asleep on the right at the back with Yoongi on his left leaning against the window on his phone. I sat next to the driver. Namjoon and Jimin in the 2nd and Hoseok and Taehyung in the 3rd row.

As we were approaching the  convenient store that was a 5 minute walk from our dorms, the thought of not having any medicine in the dorms crossed my mind. I told the driver to stop there to drop me off since we were passing by it. I took members request to buy some food and got off.

I entered the store and went straight to the pharmacy, I got everything from headaches to flus to coughs to a block/runny nose to sore throats because I didn't know the exact symptoms jungkookie and possibly yoongi had.  And of course, the requests from the members. I paid and headed back to the dorms.      

Yoongi's POV
Ok. My throat was pretty much on fire after that coughing fit in the toilet. So I will admit, I let my guard down because I was in pain. If the members noticed my discomfort swallowing. So what. I just want to sleep. I practically turning into a grumpy grandpa just staying awake. Sigh. Only 10 more minutes. 9 minutes 59 seconds. 8 minutes.

It's over! I mouthed thank you to BangPDnim and grabbed Jungkookie who was half awake and guided him to the van and made him sit with me in the back. I used my phone with all the energy I had left till the members came in to not make them suspicious of my behaviour. Because if they arrived at the van with two sleeping boys with one being a sicko. They surely would have their own thoughts. As soon as we started moving, my eyelids closed and I fell asleep.

I was woken up by Hoseok and Taehyung who were shaking both Jungkook and I lightly. I weakly smiled at them and went to my room to crash.

Jin's POV
When I opened the front door, I was greeted by 5 smiley members watching a movie while eating their dinner. I noticed Yoongi and Jungkook were not present, so I assumed they were in their rooms.

I carried Yoongi's dinner to his room as well the medicine for Jungkook to make it a one trip thing so I can join the rest.

I quietly opened Yoongi's room door where I was about to tell him I brought him his dinner, I saw an actual ball under the covers. He was shivering though and he let out a few wet coughs. I placed my hand on his forehead and realised he was a little warm. 

So all this time, I was right! He is sick. Wait he's sick? And we only showed concern towards Jungkook? Oh no :(

I grabbed some extra blankets from his cupboard and placed it over him. I went to the kitchen to put his dinner back down because cleary he ain't eating it and grabbed three bottles of water. I placed two bottles of water,cough drops,headache medicine and sore throat lozenges on his bed side table and I went to visit my next patient.

Jungkook didn't look like he was doing any better than Yoongi. He was curled up his fluffy blanket,hugging himself for some warmth. In fact, he was much hotter than Yoongi. Poor baby :(

I left pain killers, cold medicine, a bottle of water and a pack of tissues on his bed side table and joined the members in the living room.

"Jiminie, with Jungkook being sick, I think itll be best not to sleep in the same room as him. Maybe you could sleep in the guest room? Hobi too.. Yoongi seemed pretty cranky when I entered the room. Best to stay out you know." I said when I sat down.

I didn't want to tell the whole world that Yoongi was sick. Not until he admitted it himself. Because last thing I want is, every member crowded round him when he awakes. He would actually be cranky.

After the several movies we went to bed at around 2 in the morning (because we had a break ㅋㅋㅋㅋ). We all went into our separate rooms but of course I checked on the two sickly ones. Their temperatures seemed to be dropping yay but not out of that fever zone. I'll check that out tomorrow.

Jungkook's POV

I awoke in cold sweat and with an extremely blocked nose. I doubt my fever got any lower. I fact I was almost positive that my body was practically boiling my blood. I sat up and read the clock. It was four in the morning. I looked over and saw Jimin wasn't in his bed. But I didn't think much about that. I was left a pleasant surprise as well.. Medicine!

I popped some pain killers(fever relievers) and drank some water. Blew my nose for what seemed like hours. I was left with a pile tissues. I did not want to keep this in my room, so I went to the toilet to throw them away because I needed to pee anyway.

As I made my way back from the toilet, I realised Yoongi's and Hobi-hyung's room light was on. I thought I would do them a favour and turn it off for them.

Yoongi's POV

I woke up in a coughing fit. How nice. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 4 in the morning. Shit! I need to complete the track for Ed Sheeran! I promised him he'd get it in a few days and its not even halfway there! I looked at my bed side table and saw a gift. Only one person would do that. Jin Hyung! What if he told others? Oh no Oh no Oh no. I know I said I didnt want to found out but I did not want the attention. Screw it Ill face them in the morning, I've got to finish this.

I popped some pills in my mouth and downed it with water followed by sucking on a lozenge because ow.

Finally, I started to work on the song. I guess I got so carried away that I didn't notice that someone had entered the room.

"Hyung..?" Jungkookie tapped me lightly on the shoulder.

"It's 4 something in the morning! Why are you up at this hour! And aren't you sick, don't you need to rest?"  Jungkookie said filled with concern.

"For one, I am not sic-" I responded but was attacked by a coughing fit. Nice going Yoongi. Very convincing.

"Ok. Yes I am a little sick." Jungkookie raised his eyebrow as he heard those words.

"Ok. I am sick. But I have to get this finished for Ed Sheeran. And I can say the same to you. You're clearly stuffed up and suffering from a pretty high fever. Shouldn't you be the one in bed?" I responded.

"Hyung, please go to bed. You're having a fever too and you're congested. I won't go to bed unless you're going to bed. I'll sit here and wait till you come on this bed" Jungkookie pleaded as he sat down on my bed.

I was so ready to ignore him but he stayed true to his word. As the seconds passed, neither of us seemed to be getting better. I was shivering like crazy and Jungkookie's nose was dripping and sneezing away.

I gave in and picked up the tissue box from my desk and handed it to Jungkookie. He happily took one. two. a few.

"Stay here." I softly said when he was done as I laid down.

Jungkookie laid down by my side,put his chest against my head and cuddled me noticing my visible shaking and said "thank you sicky. lets get some sleep."

I wanted to tell him off for calling me 'sicky' but I guess I fell fast asleep. 

thats it folks. the 'Whats Wrong With Jungkook' mini series is over. I enjoyed writing it because it was the first ever story I've written. Hope you enjoyed reading it as well :))
If you have any requests or feedback on how I should improve my stories,I'm always open to them!
Have an amazing day ahead !💜

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