Fake Sick (Namjoon)

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'5.24am, great I have to wake up in 21 minutes and I haven't had any sleep yet for over 24 hours' Namjoon thought to himself. He had been busy with the production of the new album and trying to meet all the deadlines that led him to stay up throughtout the entire day since 5.45am two days ago. He was finally satisfyied with the progress he had made and decided it was time to leave the studio,only to realize it was 2.45am already so he rushed back to the dorm to get as much sleep as he could. But obviously, as you can tell he's been failing at it.

'Aish, I'll just use my phone and hopefully fall asleep soon' Namjoon whispered to himself.

Unfortunately,not to his liking, he couldn't fall sleep despite feeling the exhaustion he was facing from the lack of sleep.

Once again, he looked at the time, only to realize he now had 5 minutes left before Jin would come and wake him up. So he figured that he might as well get out of bed to save Jin the hassle since he was already awake.

The moment he stood up, he could feel all the weight bare down on him. He was just too tired to function.

'If I can't even stand for long, how am I going to dance for over 6 hours today. BangPDnim would never let me skip practice so that I could sleep. Let alone, I can't let ARMY down because of my lack of s-' Namjoon was thinking about what their schedule today when Jin interrupted his thoughts.

'Namjoon-ah! This is the 5th time I'm calling your name! YA! I can clearly see you're awake stop ignoring me! Jin yelled as he turned on the lights 

Namjoon had turned his head to look at Jin. Once the lights were on, Jin immediately changed his tone after seeing his face. 'Joonie, are you feeling alright? You look kind of bad..' Jin said with his motherly instincts turned on.

As the words ' Joonie, are you feeling alright' went in through Namjoon's eardrums and vibrated in his mind, an idea ignited. 'I can just say I'm sick, I just got to put up an act that seems believable and bad enough to miss practice' Namjoon thought. And so it was time to put on his 'sick' act.

' *cough cough* I'm fine Jin, its just a cough. I'm pretty sure *cough cough* its nothing serious. I'll be fine, I pr- *cough cough*-omise.' Namjoon said trying to sound believable and at the same time, not like hes putting up an act.

'If you say so, I'll keep an eye on you today and i'll tell the other members as well. Take it easy today, we don't want your condition to worsen, especially with now with the upcoming album and all.' Jin said about to leave his room to wake the others up. 

'I don't want to sound selfish but I need that sleep. I need to make me appear sick enough to get asked to stay in the dorms.' Namjoon thought.

Namjoon then grabbed a small bottle that would allow him to hold in his hands without others seeing and proceeded to the kitchen. He opened the cabinets and looked for the black pepper. He quickly grabbed it and ran to the toilet.

In there, he transferred the pepper into the bottle he had and filled it to the brim while trying to get the tap water warm to make his temperature increase when Jin takes his temperature eventually. He drank the warm water, hoping that it would bring it high enough.

Namjoon coughed his way back to his room because 1. for dramatic effect 2. the members would all be in the kitchen by now so it would be smarter to hid the original black pepper grinder in his room covered in case of any mishaps.

As he was about to leave his room, he took one big sniff of the small bottle in his palms and walked towards the kitchen. 'Morning Hyu-' Jungkook greeted him brightly only to get interrupted by Namjoon sneezing 3 times in a row. 

The members were all worried for Namjoon once they saw Namjoons appearance and his sickly sounds he made. 'Do you still want to go for practice? I can always ask if you could stay here to get some rest. You're clearly getting worse by the minute.' Jin broke the depressing silence at the table.

'No no, its fine hyung. I'm fine. I can ma- *cough cough*-ke it through the day.' Namjoon said covering his mouth as well as breathing in more pepper to have another sneeze spell. 

'Hyung, Jin-Hyung is right, please stay and rest. I'm sure army would be wayyy more mad at you for pushing yourself when you're clearly unwell than missing practice.' Jimin stepped in and commented.

'I know but-' AHCHOO AHCHOO AHCHOO, Namjoon was interrupted and unconsciously sprayed his snort all over Jins face without realizing.

'Oh shit! Hyung! I'm so sorry! I thought no one was behind me so I-' Namjoon said apologised but was cut of when Jin stuck a thermometer in his mouth and said 'Its fine, now be quite till this beeps. If you have a fever or is close to having one, BangPDnim has given you permission to miss practice.'

The members would be lying if they said they wished Namjoon didn't have a fever. Don't get then wrong, they love their leader and want him to be healthy and happy but they also don't want to see him suffer through this sickness without the rest he needs.

Anticipation filled the atmosphere. 'Beep Beep Beep' broke the ice. Jin removed it from his mouth and looked at it, not knowing whether to be happy or sad. Namjoon on the other hand, he was praying his mouth was still warn enough from the water he drank 15 minutes ago. Which was highly unlikely but it doesn't hurt to hope. 

'Namjoon-ah... you're going nowhere but your bed. You're slightly warm, 37.9°C but you need to rest.' Jin announced.

When namjoon heard the words that came out of Jins mouth, he was delighted his plan worked and he could finally get the rest he kindof deserves.


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