no one believes hobi

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oops its been almost a year since i last updated... sorrryyy.... life has been throwing me endless obstacles hahaha but excuses excuses. i think ill finish this book this month. so ill try to give yall 4 more stories other than this one :)
sorry for the long wait everyone! look forward to the remaining storiess and thank you for supporting me :))

back to the story

A nasty bug was going around the Bangtan dorm. It started off with Taehyung, then it went to Jungkook which moved on to Namjoon and on to Jin and then to Yoongi. And last but not least Jimin.

Hoseok was running around the dorms caring for all the sick members with the assistance of those who were healthy. After each member got defeated and recovered, a week had passed. That meant that Hoseok had been following orders and bringing smiles to their faces (being their hope). 

After the week off from their busy schedules, it was time to head back to work since every one has fully recovered and Jimin was almost 80% recovered.

The day they were meant to go back to work, it was time for Hoseok to fall victim to this bug.

Hoseok's POV

I awoke with a pounding headache. Does this mean that I've finally gotten what was going around? Yes. Definitely.

And with us taking a week off already,there clearly isn't any way that I'd be able to take a sick day like everyone else got to do. Talk about being treated unfairly. Today is going to be one heck of a long day.

"Hobi! Get up! It's already 7.30. We need to reach the studio by 8.30!" Jin Hyung said standing at my door.

"Hyung.., my head hurts almost as if someone is banging a nail into it." I said ever so slowly because the more I spoke,the more painful it got.

"Now is not the time. I know you are jealous that you didn't get much of a break unlike the rest of us this past week. But there's no need to fake your way into getting a sick day. Come on get up." Jin said agitatedly.

Not going to lie, those words shattered my heart. How dare he say such a thing to me after I cared for all the six sick members. Jeez.

"You're right, I'm sorry hyung. Forget I said anything." I said as I shot up from my bed.

As soon as Jin Hyung left my doorway. I held my head as the fast movements felt as if I was shot in the head.

I had no appetite for breakfast so I waited till I heard my name being called from the living room to get into the van.

Jin's POV

Wow. Hoseok really just did that. He tried to pull a sickie on me. Not on my watch.

"Where's Hobi hyung?" Jiminie asked.

"Putting up a sick act that I don't buy." I responded.

"Do you think there's a possibility he got what we got?"Namjoon asked.

"There is one. But he lasted this long. I'm sure the bug just skipped him." I said. The members didn't protest. So I guess they agree.

It was time to go and still no sign of Hoseok. Jimin yelled "Hobi hyung!"
We heard footsteps and soon we pilled into the van.

Upon reaching the studio, Hobi just stormed off. He seemed really pissed off with what I had to said to him earlier today. But I just cannot trust him. It would be impossible for him to be sick. Just impossible.

Hoseok's POV

I heard the boys calling for me so I turned to the mirror and stared at myself. I looked terrible. But I pulled myself together and thought "Its ok just survive today and you can rest whether the members believe you or not. You can do this. I hope.."

I was too tired from the walk from my room to the van that I lost my mood to interact with the rest. I decided to distract myself from how bad I felt and wished we would arrive soon.

Alas we arrived. And of course, I was the first one out. I rushed to one of the rooms I knew had a couch and crashed there. I wasn't paying too much attention to which room in specific but I am so thankful that I made it in time. My eyelids felt like weights and they closed as soon as my head touched the sofa arm rest.

Taehyung's POV

I thought it was rather strange that hobi hyung stormed off like that. I get that everyone was mad at him for "faking it" but he does look a little under the weather. I thought it would be best to check on him. wherever he may be.

I separated myself from the group and searched through the different rooms. It wasnt until a manager told me about where hobi hyung is. I knocked on the door but got no answer. I wanted to give him space but I had a guy feelimg something wasn't right.

As I inched closer towards hobi hyung, it seemed to get warmer. Placing my hand on the sleeping hyung, it made sense now. The bug has won any victory. I rushed out to get Jin and Namjoon hung at once.

Third person POV

Jin and Namjoon rushed into the room Hoseok was in. They thought Hoseok had dragged Taehyung into his act but they were wrong. So very wrong.

In the end, Hoseok got let off for the week to rest up. During his recovery break, the boys nursed him back to health just like he did for them.

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