not again (taehyung)

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If there was any member who everyone hated getting sick it would be Taehyung.
Taehyung is what you call a loud sneezer. The last time he had gotten sick, the neighbour in the same apartment building had complained about how loud he was. That was probably one of the most memorable and embarrassing moments for the members back at the old dorm. However, now that the boys have moved into an apartment building which only residences them. Maybe the next time Taehyung falls sick with a cold, it wouldn't be as bad as the last.

It was just another day at the house, everyone gathered around the kitchen for breakfast. It was like a fish market, it was filled with energy and lots and lots of chatter. "Tae, can you help me grab the jam from the fridge since you're standing the closest to it?" Jimin asked. Taehyung just rolled his eyes and opened the fridge.

As he opened the door, he felt a tickle in his nose. He then let out the usual loud sneeze. The whole room became silent. Everyone looked at Taehyung hopping that that was the only sneeze. Taehyung stared back and felt another tickle. He let out another sneeze. And another one. And another one. And another one.

"Here we go again" Jungkook said.

The rest of the day was spent caring for the now sick Taehyung and running around trying to get things for him. Like his blanket, a glass of juice, medicine. You name it. But the members knew that this was his way of saying "please stay with me but I don't want to get you guys sick too so I am going to make you run errands for me so you keep your distance but still be around me".

That night, no one could really sleep. Taehyung's stuffy nose just wouldn't ket anyone in that household sleep. The members called for an emergency meeting in Namjoons bedroom so that Taehyung would not hear what they were about to say. Because quite frankly that'll just make him feel worse than he already does.

"Ok. Everyone who cannot sleep please raise your hands." Everyone raised theirs. " I see. Ok well lucky for us we have the 3rd floor. If we keep Taehyung on the first, I don't think we will hear him too much. And yes I know, noise travels upwards but do you really want to stay down there where it is infected with germs? I thought so. We all need to do our part to stay healthy. Remember although we have a break off to do our own things, we still need to function." All the members agreed with namjoons plan to stay a night or two on the 3rd level.
"Wait hyung, wouldn't Taehyung want company?" Jimin asked. Everyone thought about what to do. "We can go in 1 hour shifts. Theyres 6 of us which means itll be 6 hours till its your turn again" Yoongi suggests. There were no violent objections so they all went with it.

To decide the order, they played a game of rock paper scissors. After about 20 minutes, the order came to:
1. Yoongi
2. Namjoon
3. Jimin
4. Jin
5. Hoseok
6. Jungkook

And with that, everyone dispersed to their respective rooms to take their bedding to the third floor while yoongi left to cace for the sick one.

Up on the third floor, the boys took no time to settle down. They all laid down and talked to each other till Yoongi came back.

After a 10 minute wait, Yoongi came up and said that Taehyung is asleep and said he should be fine by himself for the night. And that if he needed help, he'd call them. But getting Taehyung to accept that he'd be alone was hard so Yoongi had to offer him Jungkook's body sized toy to cuddle with. Which, Jungkook wasn't really too pleased with but since it was just Taehyung, he was fine with it.

Luckily, the house they lived in now wasn't as loud as the old one where it felt like the walls where made out of thin pieces of fabric. But of course, they could still hear Taehyung sneezing. At least when they closed the door, the sneezes where muffled. So they could finally get some decent sleep when Taehyung is sick.

In the middle of the night, Jungkook headed down to the kitchen to get a glass of water for himself. On the way back up, he thought he'd check on Taehyung. He entered the room and saw Taehyung cuddling his beloved plush toy and saw how adorable he looked. He was about to leave when he thought to stay and replace his toy and get cuddled instead. So he carefully slid the toy out of Taehyungs hand and slowly inserted himself into his arms.

"Don't touch Jungkookies toy, he will kill me~" Taehyung slurred in this sleep. Jungkook hushed Taehyung and said it was only him and not to worry. Taehyung opened his arms making it easier for Jungkook to slide into his arms and he pulled Jungkook closer towards him to cuddle him properly.

Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the cuddles. He always knew Taehyung got cuddly when he gets sick but would never dare cuddle you because he was afraid of getting the cuddle buddy sick. But Jungkook knew when he was alseep, he would unconsciously do it. And thankfully, his planned to get cuddled by Taehyung was successful.

The two feel asleep with their arms hugging one another. Little did they know that Jungkook was about to get woken up by a furious Namjoon for sleeping with a sick person or that Taehyung is going to awake too and sneeze right into Jungkooks face when he realises that Jungkook was in his bed or that Jungkook would spit back at Taehyung for doing so. And little did Taehyung know that Jungkook was happy to fall sick because that meant he had an excuse to earn more cuddles from Taehyung and from Namjoon as well.

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