Whats wrong with Jungkook part 6

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i'm back and done with exams :) yay 

thank you for still supporting me and my terrible writing

more updates still on the way...

please look forward to them 

i love you guys


Yoongi's POV

Time seemed to pass by really slowly today. But the urge to cough was increasing at a drastically and I don't know long I can keep it down. We were only half way through the set list before Jungkook-ah finished his roll of toilet paper. I felt real bad for that boy. He looked so pale and couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. Even though I may be sick too, he was way worse than me. I wonder how we both managed to get sick though and how I ended up in bed with new clothes and everything. I was so tired that I know that I couldn't have done all that myself.
And then I remembered, Jungkook here decided to practice till late and came to check on me. He brought me all the way back and it was pouring.
"Shit!" I accidentally exclaimed out loud,bringing the attention to me. "Er- Jungkook-ah's out of toilet paper... Is it possible for me to get him more? Anyway I (er) need to use the bathroom as well.." I embarrassingly said. Thankfully BangPDnim excused me and I existed the room.
Phew that was a close one. But I can't live with the fact that I made this kid sick. Its all my fault. He probably spent more time in the rain than he would have if he didn't have me slowing him down. I'm the reason why he feels complete shit.
Yet again, my coughing fit broke my chain of thought. This time, it sounded alot worse. It must be from holding it for too long. I can't just keep holding it in can I? I have about 3 more hours. I don't think i can last that long. But I had to suck it up, the other members do not need to know that I am sick too. A sick Jungkook is already enough to handle.
I broke into more coughing fits before I felt like I was done and exited the bathroom with a roll of toilet paper,as promised.

Luckily no one questioned why I needed to use the bathroom despite consuming little no liquids throughout the entire day. Oh.. that could also be the reason why this darn cough isn't dying down

Jungkook's POV 

We are literally only half way through and I don't think how much longer I can take this. I am exhausted from blowing my nose and just from trying to stay awake. To make matters worse, my nose is dripping like tap water drips and I am moments away from finishing the roll of toilet paper. 

Never mind. I am out of toilet paper. Great. 

To my advantage, Yoongi-hyung had noticed my small cry for help because he was practically staring at me since he came late due to being in the toilet. But what suprised me was why he literally screamed out "shit" when I finished the roll. It's not the end of the world? Thankfully though, he managed to get out of the room and get some more  toilet paper for me,  and go to the toilet again?  He didn't even drink a sip of water? What?

Not to sound expectant but, it's about time he came back. I had to resort to using my sleeves for the sucessful escapers of my nose.. 

Taking a closer look at his appearance as he sat down, maybe he didn't need to pee. Maybe even worse, something worse? Like throwing up? I don't know, but if you ask me, he looked as if he was in pain from swallowing. But maybe that's just me.

Jin's POV 

With Jungkookie sick and a almost mute member from the start of the day to this very moment. I don't see why everyone except for Joonie needs to be here, after all we heavily invovled in the conversation. We just give inputs here and there. That's about it. I could be in the dorm playing on my computer. Sigh. 

However, I don't think my motherly senses would allow me to play in peace knowing that Kookie is sick. It would not be right and plus I can tell he's really suffering. Poor baby kook :(

Yoongi has managed to say something.. "Shit"- first words I've heard from Min Yoongi today. ok enough joking around, he did a string of words afterwards. But I could tell, he was trying to hide something. Maybe a cough? A sore throat? A bad stomach? because the way he spoke really tingled my motherly senses, like something was wrong with him. Maybe that's way he's so quite today. What if he's sick too? That can't be good. With two members down, it would only be a matter of time till the next. 

Aish, it's ok now. My suspicions are over. I guess I overthink too much. He's fine. Isn't he?

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