we love you jin

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Recently, Jin has been receiving negative comments. He knows he really shouldn't let it get to his head. But no matter how hard he tried, it always came back to haunt him.

The more he thought of the hate, the more he hated himself and the less would eat. He knew he really should not do this to himself, but what else can he do.

Soon after changing his diet for the worse, he found himself feeling like something was not quite right with him. But he didn't know what.

The next day, he woke up with a throbbing headache and all sore. He moaned as he tried to get up. Now he knew that what he was wrong with him. He was unfortunately sick. He sighed and walked to the dining room to join others so that they wouldn't suspect anything.

Jin's POV

"Jin hyung, are you going to eat something or are you going to continue staring at the table?" I heard someone ask but I really had no mood to talk to anyone so I got up, grab a banana and sat in the living room. To make sure no one bugged me, I grabbed the TV remote and acted like I was so engrossed in the show. But really, what I was doing up in my head feeling sorry for myself.

Soon the time came for us to go for dance practice. I pulled myself together and tried to act as normal as I possibly could. I did have one close call earlier on when Namjoon asked if I was alright. I didn't hear so he tried to grab my attention by touching my arm. As soon as he touched me, his face had worry written all over it. I panicked internally and put up an act. "Oh sorry Namjoon, the show I'm watching was really interesting. Sorry for not hearing you. What was it you wanted to tell me?" I said as bright and chirpy as I could with the little energy I had. I mustn't let them know I'm sick. I'll just be another burden.

*time skip to dance practise*

Well it was the activity that started this whole mess. Dancing. I knew I wasn't a great dancer. But I thought it was good enough to please ARMY. But I guess not.
I really wanted to give it my all and improve for ARMY but today my body just isn't letting that happen. It felt like I was carrying dumbbells everywhere I went. My body was just so heavy.

When Hoseok played Not Today, this was the beginning of a long day. As I started to move my body to the beat, it just didn't translate into sharp, on the beat movements. Instead, I was always lagging behind. This was what ARMY must have meant. I see why I am a terrible dancer now.

The next song started to play, and the next, and another one. I really don't know how long I can keep this up. I was so drained of energy. "Jin hyung can you follow me to the other room. I wanted to have a little chat" Hoseok said to me. If I was being honest, that scared the shit out of me.

I dragged myself to the room following behind Hoseok expecting for the worst. Because when a main dancer calls you out in private during practise, it means you screwed up bring time. Which I probably did, so serves me right.

Third person POV
"Jin hyung, is everything alright? You haven't been yourself since the moment you walked out of your room. Worse enough, you brought that lethargic energy of yours to today's practise and to be quite honest, you're slowing down our progress. I don't k-" Hoseok was interrupted before he could finish his scolding session.

It was Jin. Jin suddenly was down on his knees, holding his head. Hoseok saw what happened and literally panicked. He grab Jins arm pulled him onto a chair. He grabbed the nearest bottle he could find,opened it and gave it to Jin.

The boys soon came piling in. They saw a white pale boy who was sweating profusely with his eyes shut. They wondered how on earth he got to this stage and how he looked as white as jungkooks shirt.

Eventually, Jin was no longer dizzy and started to function like a normal human again. He found that he was lying down on his bed. He shot up only to find Namjoon sitting on the opposite side of his room. Namjoon saw Jin was awake and started to walk towards Jin.

"You know its bad to push yourself when you're sick right? It only hurts you and worries us even more. Don't keep pretending that you're healthy when you're obviously not. I should have said something this morning. I knew you were sick, but I let it slide. I shouldn't have because we wouldn't have you almost fainting on us. I'm so sorry." Namjoon said apologetically. He could not bare seeing Jin like this. He felt so guilty about the whole situation.

"Its not your fault Namjoon. I'm fine." That was really all Jin could say. He didn't have much energy let in him and his throbbing head didn't let him speak without feeling pain.

Namjoon stared at him and was going to say something along the lines of "No youre not fine, you look terrible" but he decided against it. Instead, Namjoon offered food to Jin. The moment he saw Jins face react to food as if it was a ghost, he knew that he fell sick because of not eating properly.

"Why don't you eat properly anymore? Its the reason you're like this now isn't it." Namjoon asked.

Jin didnt know what to do or how to reply, he debated between telling him the truth or lying to Namjoon. But he knew Namjoon would see through his lie no matter how hard he tried. So after a long minute of silence, Jin awkwardly smiled and said " Ha ha funny thing. So I may or may not have seen something that told me to um be a better um dancer and um lose weight. I know I know " dont listen to it" but I really tried Namjoonie, I really did. It was just too much. It kept getting to my head. I didnt know how to stop it. I'm sorry for making you worry. I truly am."

Namjoon heard his reason, he wasn't too impressed with it though. He felt defeated because there really isnt any other way to block hate comments from interfering with your life than to ignore it. Namjoon knew telling Jin off not to listen to it would be useless so instead, he nodded and returned to what he was doing before Jin awoke so that Jin could rest.

Ever since that day, Namjoon has been regularly checking on Jin where they would have late night chats with one another or talk to each other if they face any difficulties. It is always important to have someone there for you to talk to so that you don't let your thoughts consume yourself. Jin thought that maybe letting those comments get to him wasn't so bad afterall because he got to create a bond with Namjoon that was like no other. 

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