Chapter Two.

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After the welcoming assembly Normani was beyond tired. She probably wouldn't be so tired if she didn't hit up three different parties with Kimora afterwards. Little do the girls know that's gonna come back to bite them later on. The Dancing Dolls have to perform for the campus festival and they have practice later on. Needless to say there will be no rest for them.

Normani woke up a little earlier than Kimora so she could beat the line for the bathroom. When she came back into room Kimora was searching through her wardrobe for something. "Lost something?" Normani asked.

"Yeah, my shower kit. I have my shower shoes but none of my things." Kimora said.

Kimora looked under her desk and there was a shower kit, but it was Wes. So that means he had hers. Wes was three sheets in the wind and Kimora knew it but she didn't care. She got on the phone and began annoying the hell out of her brother. Wes heard the phone ringing but he didn't have the strength to required to complete the task.

Translations: lazy as hell.

Eventually the ringing became too much and he answered the phone. Wes tapped the green button and yawned. "Yo?" He asked.

"You got my shower kit and I need it." Kimora asked.

"Come get the shit then." Wes said.

"I have yours bitch and you need it witcho funky ass." Kimora said.

Wes groaned, "I'll be there in a minute. And watch your fucking mouth." He said.

"Bye nigga!" Kimora yelled into the receiver.

Normani laughed softly as she fastened her bra. "So much love between you guys." She said.

"Oh yeah, lots of it." Kimora said dryly.

Wes sat up and rubbed his eyes, he grabbed his wife beat from the foot of the bed and put it on. He slid into his shower shoes and got Kimora's tool kit out of his closet. He also got a towel and wash rag so he wouldn't have to stop by the room on his way back. Out the corner of his eye Wes noticed Chad staring at him. "You need something?" Wes asked.

"No, I was just wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast." Chad said politely.

"Sure.." Wes said.

When Wes stepped outside he was surprised at how cool it was. He took the three minute commute to his sister's dorm. He banged on the door as if he was the police and Normani came to the door. "Kimora open the damn door." Wes said.

Normani opened the door and folded her arms, "May I help you Wesley?" She asked.

"Oooh." Wesley said. He gave Normani the full stare down. This was his future wife, there was no discussion about it. This was the woman he was gonna marry.

"So you're my sister's roommate?" Wes asked.

"I am." Normani said.

"You got a name?" Wes asked.

Kimora walked over and shoved Wes shower kit into his chest. She snatched her kit out of his hands and said, "Get yo thirsty white girl loving ass up out of here."

Wes mushed Kimora in the face and looked at Normani, "I didn't get your name gorgeous." He said.

"Normani." She replied.

"That's beautiful, do you think I can get your number?" Wes asked.

Normani smirked and slowly started closing the door, "Goodbye Wesley." She said.

Wes let out a sigh and ran back to his dorm. When he walked into the bathroom Harley was standing in front of the mirror rubbing the acne was on his face. They had a few seconds of awkward eye contact before going back to their original plans. For a minute Wes that he was the only guy who took his skincare seriously. The guys didn't say anything they just went on about their morning routine.

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