Chapter 4: The Bad Boy Is Planning Something

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"Bailey, id like you to meet Parker, Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs.Borden!" My mom says in excitement. "We used to be good friends before the moved away for a while, but now our good friends are back! Oh and they also have our special gift!" She says with the biggest smile.

"Oh," I say slightly- oh who am I kidding- very panicked about Parker, "Hello well it's nice to meet you all." "Oh don't be silly hun! We've met before when you and Parker where about 5, you two where the best of friends! Hopefully it can happen again!" Mrs. Borden says very very happily. Ha. Ha. Like that will ever happen. Me and Parker best friends? Over my dead body.

After that I notice the cutest little toddler holding on to Parker's hand. I didn't know he had a little brother! Awwwww he's so cute! But then I realize I should probably answer, "oh I didn't even know that!" I say with a forced laugh "and who is this cute little guy?" I say exited to see the little boy. "Oh that's Thomas, he's 3 and isn't he the cutest little thing!" My mom bursts and all I can do is shake my head yes and well pretend to enjoy Mrs. Bordens tight hug. I have to say she's really sweet for being Parker's mom.

"Well they are going to stay for dinner! That reminds me I have to go check how the foods going, care to join me Gren?" My mom says with total happiness I swear I haven't seen her this happy in a long time! "Of course! Parker you got Thomas right?" Mrs. Borden says to Parker, he shakes his head yes and our moms turn and leave. That's when I notice our dads are gone my dad is probably showing Mr.Benson around the house. Wait! That means me and Parker are ...alone... well with the adorable Thomas if course.

"I didn't know we used to be *best* friends! What a surprise!" Parker says with total sarcasm. "Ya... A total and shocking surprise..." I say with just as much sarcasm. Then I Remember little Thomas and crouch down to his level. "Hey little man! I'm Bailey" I say smiling at him he looks at me and starts a cute grin "T-Thomas..." He says adorably. Awwww! He's too cute to be Parker's Brother! "Thanks" Parker says with a fake smile. Oh ya. He's a mind reader.

At that my mom yells dinner is ready and Thomas hold out his hand to me. IM GONNA DIE THIS KID IS TOO CUTE! "Watch out!" Parker says to Thomas, "remember girls have cooties" really!? Thanks Parker thanks. Then Thomas does the cutest thing ever and grabs my hand anyway, which made me internally melt. And hey who would have thought the bad boy had a little brother, that he's surprisingly really good with!?

As we walk to the dining room with us each holding one of Thomas' hands, I give Parker a message...

*Never would have guessed you had a little brother that's so sweet, unlike his big bro.* is that mean? Whatever. Too late.

*Never would have guessed your so bad at blocking your thoughts.*

*that makes two of us*

As we walk into the dining room I'm about to sit down in my same seat when my mom says "oh darling let grown ups sit together why don't you and the boys sit next to Mrs. Borden?" "Uh...ok" I say sadly. I end up between Parker and Mrs.Borden.

When I get my food I can't help but wonder where is Brin? "Oh she is sleeping at her friends house tonight hun" my mom answers my question.

Oh. No.

That's not and let me repeat NOT ok with me. Since when does she have the right to just do that whenever she pleases!? Wait everyone is Probably listening to me right now. That's also not ok.

"Mom, I'm leaving." I say

"Bailey Hun don't be silly sit back dow-" "No mom I'm not going to sit here well everyone can openly read my mind. That's not far to me at all." I say while pushing my chair in.

"Bailey sit down right now we are not and I mean NOT having a conversation about this in front of guests." She says with anger in her voice. But that's just not at all far to me. "No I'm sorry mom I'm afraid I can't stay here while you can all read my thoughts, and we don't have to have this conversation right now, we can have it when I get home." I say while turning to leave. Ok maybe that was a little harsh but I can honestly say it was coming her way one of these days. Wait! I can't believe she's actually letting me leav-

"Hold on Bistrello!" Parker's voice rings throught my ears. Wait. What!? "Oh come on you didn't think I would let you, the good girl leave, while I stay right? And plus It's the only way your mom will let you go. Now come on." He says while holding open the door for me to exit "Fine. But just cause I can't stay here right now." I spit.

As we walk to my car he says "I must say, for a goody I'm surprised you just did that." "Maybe you'll be more surprised when you find out I'm not a goody." I say bitterly. Since when did I get all this spunk?! "Oh really, your tell me Bailey Bistrello is not a goody?" He says with a wide grin.

"No why indeed she's not." I say back.

"Prove it." He says. And I have a feeling he's planning something. Something I might not want to be a part of.


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