Chapter 7: Ketchup & Weird Feelings

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After I agreed to have a bloody party, we jumped in the cars- totally ditching school to add, which I still am in total shock that I'm doing- and drove to Walmart. I'm guessing to get snacks and stuff.

As I'm walking inside I can't help but notice Drew is sneaking glances at Lily. Good thing she doesn't know because she would probably faint.

"Alright my cousin is getting the liquor so we don't need our fake ID's." Jay says.

I'm sorry what! I've never been to a party with underage drinking and I'm going to die. Right here right now. I'm officially going to ruin my reputation by stupid liquor!

"Calm down Bailey, you look like you just saw the devil. You don't have to drink if you don't want too." Parker says

Ya. Like that's going to make a difference.

"Same with you Lily, haha" Drew says staring at Lily and me, with a slight sign of worry when glancing at Lily.


"Whatever. Let's just buy the food or whatever and we get out of here." I say while turning to where the soda is.

"Oh Bailey wait!" Parker says, as I'm turning around he finished with, "Don't forget to grab cupcakes, but be careful!" he winks. That's when the four boys break down in laughter and Lily just looks straight out confused. Only if she was there.

I grab her hand, give the boys a death glare, and continue to where the soda is.

After we pick out some drinks- we didn't get too much since people will probably be drinking alcohol- we headed to the cashier.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Parker and Drew in the swimsuit section.


I grab Lilys hand and drag her to where they are.

"No dude lets buy them these ones!" I hear Drew say, and I'm kind of skeptical.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask while walking up to them.

"Just getting you gals some nice swimsuits." Parker says with a wink.

Oh gosh. Them getting us swimsuits? This can't be good.

That's when I notice the two string bikinis in Parker's hands. One is red white small pocka dots, and the other is white with red small pocka dots. Not to mention they both look extremely showy.

"We will NOT wear those!" I yell at them.

"Oh come on! I thought you where actually not a goody. Well time to go back to full pieces Drew." Parker says with a big frown.

Oh no! I'm not a goody!

"Fine. We buy the stupid bathing suits happy!?" I spit.

"Very" Parker responds with a smirk and wink.

As we are walking out of Walmart, all the boys have a carriage, and Parker -being Parker- just has to hit me in the back of the ankle with his. Just letting you know, THAT REALLY HURTS!

"Oh no Borden! No way are you getting away with that!" I yell as I jump Into his carriage.

He just starts laughing his perfect little face off, until I pick up bottle of ketchup, and squirt it all over him.

"Look who's laughing now!" I say as I laugh so hard my eyes water.

"Oh really, so now your the big guy huh?" Parker says. "Well we will see about that!" he says as he grabs a new bottle of ketchup and showers me in it.

This lead to a big ketchup war between us. Everyone was laughing at then end of it, and with my luck we where on a hill.

And of course Parker just had to let go of the carriage.

Next thing you know I'm flying down the hill. My hair is in my face and I'm screaming my face off.

"Hold on!" I hear someone yell.

And out of nowhere Parker comes up behind the carriage.


"What! No! That's Crazy!!! I'm not jumping off of a moving ShoppingCart!"

"Fine. Don't jump i'll just leave you to die then."

And that got me, next thing you know I'm jumping off of a moving carriage into Parker Borden's arms.

As I jumped onto him he fell to the ground, with me on top of him. Honestly, that's kind of embarrassing.

Even though this situation is the two of us showered in ketchup, and he can literally read my mind. And not to mention I'm totally sitting on top of him. I can't help but enjoy this moment.

"Bailey, I don't mean to ruin this moment, but I'm kind of laying on a really sharp rock." He says unsurely but with a wide grin.

Well, way to ruin a moment.

But when I quickly glance at him before getting up, I swear he feels the same way.

Even though we don't know what we are feeling.


Hey guys so my wifi has been down so I haven't been able to see how many people are reading it and stuff. But please comment and tell me what you would like to see! And I have REALLY big plans for this book! Anyway, once again sorry for all of the spelling and grammar errors. Also this is a short chapter and aside from all the mind reading and stuff I just wanted to give you guys a nice Bailey and Parker moment!

P.S. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter!


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