Chapter 1

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For Brendon, everyday was just the same. He would get up, go to school, get teased by the other kids until it took everything he had to not break down, and go home. Home wasn't so great either, as he spent his time after school trying to numb away the pain. It took a lot out of him. But this was his normal.

Brendon usually sits near the back of the lunchroom. He didn't have any friends, so he just observed or listened to music. The quiet wouldn't last long, as it never does. The jocks or the preppy kids would be over there any minute to tell him how he's a freak. It was sad, honestly. That this is what he expected everyday. A few minutes pass, and as he expects, the "popular" kids now surround him. There's a couple of football players, a teachers kid, and a cheerleader. "Hey nerd, you got anything for us today?" Brendon was tired. Tired of them taking everything from him, tired of their treatment, just tired. He mumbled a fuck you under his breath and looked away from the group in front of him. He looks over at a table near him and catches a student staring at him. As their eyes meet, the other kid looks away quickly. Odd. "What did you just say to me?" The jock snaps him back into reality. "I said, fuck. You." He knew what was coming. The jock grabbed the young man by his hoodie and threw him on the ground. He could feel the stares of everyone in the lunchroom. He tried to stand, but one of the other jocks kicked him back down. This is it. He gets kicked, punched, thrown. No one is helping. No one cares. No one would care. They finally have enough "fun" and walk away, leaving Urie on the ground. There are still stares. Almost all eyes are on him. He stands up. He looks around for a place to sit, hide, anything. Anything to get away from the stares. So he runs. He runs out of the lunchroom, out of the school, he runs as far as his legs would let him. He finds himself in an alleyway, trying to catch his breath. He hides his face in his hands, trying to get his mind off of what just happened. "H-hey. You okay?" He quickly looks up to see a tall man standing next to him, slightly out of breath from running. It was the guy who caught his eye in the lunchroom.

"Um... who are you?"

"I- My name is Dallon."

A/N: So I'm trying out something new. I'm actually really excited about writing this, and I have a ton of ideas for it. I hope you all enjoy it!

Sorry for any mistakes/errors! I'm working on correcting them :)

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