Chapter 12

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Brendon found one of his dads old red blazers and a white button-up shirt. It was the only dressy thing he could find, so he went with it. He found some black dress pants and shoes, and he was pretty much ready. He was kind of nervous though. He had never been to church, so he didn't know what to expect or how to act. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Dallon's family either. He took a deep breath and tried to think positive. He put on a pair of sunglasses and grabbed his phone. He was about to walk out the door when he heard his dad from behind him. "And where do you think you're going?" His dad is always drunk. He wouldn't be surprised if this turned into a fight. "I'm going to church. It's Sunday." His dad laughed and started walking over to him. "Why? You think you're better than me?" Brendon looked down and didn't reply. His dad looked him up and down. "Are you wearing my fucking clothes?" Brendon sighed and moved closer to the door. "I didn't have any clothes. Not like you're gonna wear them." He turned to walk out when his dad grabbed his shoulder and pushed him against the wall. "You don't get an attitude with me, boy. I'll-" Brendon slipped under him and ran out the door. "Get back here Brendon! You're gonna regret this!" He kept running until he was out of the houses sight. What a great way to start off the day.


Dallon was pacing the pews of the church corridor, waiting for Brendon to arrive. He hasn't been to church in almost a year, and for good reasons too. He heard the door open and saw Brendon walk in. Oh my god. He spotted the taller boy and started walking over. If Dallon could see himself, he'd swear he's as red as Brendon's blazer. "Y-you made it!" Brendon put his sunglasses in one of his pockets and smiled at Dallon. "I told you I would, didn't I?" They were both chuckling when Dallon's dad walked up. "Boys, service is about to start. We should go sit down." They followed the man to a row of seats where they all sat down. Brendon was in the middle of Dallon and his dad, and for some reason, that made Dallon really anxious. "So how'd you two meet? I've never heard Dallon talk about you until recently." Brendon looked at Dallon in panic and looked back at his dad. "W-we met at school. I didn't have many f-friends so he started talking to me and we just became closer." His dad nodded and Brendon turned back to Dallon with a goofy smile on his face. Before they could say anything, the service started.


Brendon could see why Dallon didn't like coming here. They were so close minded. Being gay is a sin, women are treated like shit, and so much more. They even frown upon music. Music. The thing Dallon admires the most.

The boys decided to hang out around town after the service ended. "Do you believe in God?" Dallon looked at Brendon and shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I want to, but I don't think I really can. What about you?" Brendon shrugged. "If he is real, he sure as hell doesn't care about me." He sighed, knowing that Dallon would question what he meant by that. "My mom left me and my dad when I was 8. She didn't really have a reason, she just left. After that, my dad became an alcoholic. It wasn't bad at first, but over the years, it's gotten worse. He stopped caring. He doesn't have a job. We live off of food stamps and vodka. He gets... physical every now and then. He didn't even like me going to church today." Brendon nervously chuckled, barely realizing he had teared up. "But it's okay. I'm okay." Dallon put his arm around him and kissed his forehead. "Bren, that's... that's awful. If I can help in any way, let me know." Brendon smiled and put an arm around his waist. "You wanna be a basic couple and act all cute in a coffee shop?" Dallon laughed and looked down at the boy. "Of course, my love!"

A/N: I feel like this chapter is a mess oops oh well.

But hey, if you have instagram, you should totally add my fan account thing: @ idkhowbutimabandito

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