1| The Murder

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

**I have no affiliation, connections, or insiders in the Miami Springs Police Department. The police work, slangs, or anything related to LEO, is based on my experience. This is not a story of a true case nor investigation. I wanted to make my book as realistic as possible and wanted to pick a location and its truthful respective police agency**

The man's dark eyes met mine, bloody hand on what looked like a pocket knife.We both seemed to be frozen, neither wanting to spook the other. I don't know what I'd been thinking, getting out of the house. I should've listened to the 911 operator.

The screams still echoed in my brain like a never-ending recording, and for a slight moment, I thought about the possibility of me screaming in such magnitude. Would anybody hear me then? Had she thought her scream would carry out the magnitude required to alert the whole neighborhood before she was so brutally slain? Did she think that would stop him? It could give goosebumps to the bravest.


I blinked my eyes and focused on the figure standing in front of me. One of the officers had unglued himself from the crime scene area and was now standing in front of me, a restless expression on his face. I could only imagine how tired they must be, considering it was two in the morning. The only reason I'd been awake was because I'd barely gotten home from a night out with my best friend, Kate. We've gone out for drinks after work, so I hadn't  had the chance to change. So here I was, currently sitting on my front porch, wrinkled black slacks and white blouse. I sure looked like shit.

"I passed your statement over to my chain of command, but as you might've guessed already, this is gonna be an all nighter. You don't have to stay out here all night. As soon as the detective gets here, I'll send them your way" the officer, who looked like he was in his mid-forties, said with a tight smile. I swallowed, trying to get rid of the unsettling feeling I had. When the officers came to my door, claiming that the girl next door was murdered, they didn't say how. However, me being the nosy person I am, I listened through my opened door and heard one of them say that the scene was bloody.

After we exchanged a couple of words, I went inside, turning almost every light switch on. There was absolutely no way I would go to sleep after this, and although there were at least ten patrol cars outside, blocking the street with their blue lights calling the attention of almost every neighbor around here, I was still scared of the unknown in the darkness.

I slumped on the high chair at the breakfast bar and reached for my phone tucked in my back pocket and dialed Kate quickly, putting her on speaker as I reached for a glass and picked a random white from my wine fridge.

"Did you get home alright?" Kate's sleepy voice said, and I almost snorted at the irony

"The neighbor got killed" I said in a robot voice. I don't even know why I started the call like that, but it just came out like word vomit. There was a long pause.

"Uh.....how much tequila did you have?" she asked, sounding a little bit more awake.

"Kate. Pay attention. She got killed. Like bloody murder killed. Cops are everywhere, and they don't let me leave the house either"

"Oh my god, are you forreal? Oh, shit! Did you talk to them? what'd they say? How do you know this-"

"Kate! For god's sake, one question at a time. I'm the one that called 911 when I heard the screaming" I mumbled, chugging some of the wine. Kate had a gift for theatrics, but it's not like her shock wasn't justified. 

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