Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is... Frieza???

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(Before we begin, let me get a few things out of the way. This story is just what if the Ginyu Force turned Good, no one else is getting this treatment. Also, noone's personality is gonna change other than the Ginyu Force fighting for Justice alongside the Z-Fighters. They may get costume upgrades, but that's about it. Despite this being a story about the Ginyu Force, and they will be more of the focus, Goku and Vegeta will still be above them, and will recieve the godly training. Nobody else is getting the same treatments as the Saiyans. Lastly, The Ginyu Force WILL recieve new techniques, but only ones that are canon, or may seem fitting for them. There may also be costume changes too. That's all for now, ask any questions in the comments, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability, anyhow... Let's begin!)

We start this story during the Ginyu fight of the Frieza Saga. Ginyu just stole Goku's body. Ginyu looked at his new hands and smiled, before getting an unexpected call from Frieza on his scouter, along with the rest of his men. "GINYU FORCE!!! HEAD TO MY SHIP, IMMEDIATELY!!!" Frieza roared on the communicator and hung up. "You heard the man, Ginyu Force..." Ginyu started, and all in unison they yelled "AWAY!" as they all flew off. Vegeta fired some ki blasts, but they missed. Vegeta went to fly after them but Goku just said "Let them go, I'll get my body back later." Vegeta was resistant but he eventually obliged. And minutes later, Frieza arrived. Vegeta is absolutely fuming to see him here, First he sent his men to do his dirty work for him, then steal Kakarott's Body, Act like Vegeta is a lower class warrior, And now has the nerve to show up here and act like he is so high and mighty? Oh, he is gonna enjoy kicking Frieza's ass! And with all the anger built up inside, it releases, Vegeta Explodes, and a Super Saiyan is born. Goku gets a little jealous of Vegeta, but then he gets an idea. Maybe, because it's something only he knows, maybe he can try... And it works! He tries using the Kaioken and it works, if not for a few seconds due to Ginyu's body not being used to it. But if he uses that, and the Kamehameha, he and Vegeta might have a chance at winning. The duo began brawling the emperor, and the fight dragged on and on. Frieza has even been forced to resort to his Final Form, something he didn't think he would need to use... well... EVER! But he needed to do it. Vegeta and Goku were putting Frieza on the ropes, and it became very apparent that the Emperor was not going to survive the demise of the planet.


Ginyu, Guldo, Jeice, Recoome, and Burter were all within Frieza's ship whilst the destruction happened around them. They were watching for afar as Frieza was being defeated, and wondered how their leader could be so heartless as to destroy an entire Planet! "Men... We need to talk..." Ginyu started, sounding worried. "Frieza has gone too far, destroying a planet, and by extension, and entire RACE at that! We need to stop him, or else he'll keep destroying planets, maybe even galaxies. Are you with me?" Ginyu put out his hand, and each Ginyu Force Member did the same. Before raising their hands in the air in unison and flying off to the fight. The Ginyu Force then arrived at the scene, Recoome being the first to appear by punching Frieza square in the face! It didn't really hurt the emperor, but it did send him flying. Frieza, now pissed off by this intruder, doesn't have enough time to react as he is paralyzed by Guldo. And as he tried to escape, he soon saw Ginyu swap bodies with Goku once more, and then... Ginyu shot the Body Change... at Frieza. It of course hits, due to him being paralyzed, and Guldo quickly switched it to Ginyu's body which now contained Frieza. Ginyu Charged a weaker Death Ball, Goku Charged a Kamehameha, and Vegeta charged a Galick Gun. And together, they all wiped Frieza from existence

The Ginyu Force grabbed the remaining Z-Fighters and ran them all to the ship, allowing them to fly away, Namek exploding behind them. 

(And that's where this is going to end... for now, I hope you all enjoyed this first story, and if you want more, let me know in the comments below! Thank you! Byyyeee!!!)

Tales of a Body Swapping Battler! The Ginyu Force Good?!Where stories live. Discover now