Bonus Part: Ginhan vs Beice, which Fusion goes Farther?

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After the events of the Buu Saga, Gohan kept up his training with the Ginyu Force, and the Great Saiyaman was constantly working along side the Ginyu Force as heroes, but something kept nagging at Ginyu as time kept going, and then he remembered the earrings! In the middle of a training session, Ginyu called a meeting. "Atten- Hut!" He called, which made everyone look to Ginyu, including Gohan. "I realized something these last few days. The fight with Buu, four of us used a special tactic, one which turned the tides completely!" Ginyu started. "I am referring to Me and Gohan with the Potara, and Jeice and Burter with the Metamoran Dance! I want to see which Fusion will prevail in a battle, and one dy we may even see Reccoome and Guldo fuse!" He stated before calling off the meeting and making everyone fly to the mountains. Ginyu tossed Gohan a Potara Earring, while Jeice and Burter started the dance. At the very same time, the fusions formed, and it was time to rumble! Reccoome and Guldo stood back and watched in Awe.

Ginhan awaited Beice's first attack, which he swiftly delivered. The Purple blur was going too fast for Ginhan to see, and soon he was under the mercy of many punches coming from every direction! But soon, Ginhan started to sense a pattern, and he began blocking the hits, until none of the hits were phasing Ginhan anymore. He then caught a punch, and kicked Beice away, charging a Parmesan Kamehameha, a combination of Gohan's Kamehameha and Ginyu's Parmesan Shower, which shot out hundreds of mini violet Ki Blasts, but the ones that missed showed incredible power, and the ones that hit really pushed Beice backwards until he hit the mountain wall, getting essentially buried by the blasts. Ginhan stopped and flew forward, throwing a barrage of punches into Beice, causing him to be buried deeper and deeper into the mountain. Eventually though, Ginhan jumped away so Beice could recover.

Beice got out of the mountain and used the Purple Comet Attack on Ginhan, who was blown away by the power. Beice was about to attack again, when Jeice and Burter defused. Ginhan laughed and struck a pose! "Ginhan wins!" He laughed

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