A New Fighter joins the Ginyu Force, Celebrate the Coming of Fusions

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Like the original, Vegeta was almost defeated by Buu, if the child duo hadn't come to his aid he would've never stood a chance. He later does what he did in the original and knocked out Goten and Trunks, before making Piccolo take them away. He does the same sacrifice as in the original timeline, but alas, the Genie regenerates and causes his sacrifice to be all for not. Alot of what happens now happens like the original, except when everyone arrives at the lookout, Recoome, Jeice, Burter, and Guldo all fly there, demanding to know why their beloved captain can no longer be sensed. Goku and Piccolo explain that... he died, alongside Gohan.

They tear up, but vow to avenge Ginyu and Gohan to the best of their abilities. One of the things that happened in the original was the wish for all who died by Majin Vegeta and Dabura to be brought back to life, including Kibito. Much like the original, Gohan actually survived, and is found by Supreme Kai and Kibito, however Ginyu did perish. He was not as strong as Gohan, so he couldn't take the damage from the attack as easily. Gohan was then taken to the world of the Kais, where he trained with the Z-Sword. Back at the Lookout, everyone watched as Goten and Trunks were taught how to do the Fusion Dance, and due to how Goten and Gohan trained together, he was able to do the fusion dance flawlessly each time. Trunks however was not doing as good. It only took two attempts for them to form Gotenks, and he is very pose happy, more than before, but in the end, like the original, Buu is victorious in their battle, and Gotenks is absorbed!

However, while they were learning the Dance, a certain Blue and Red duo were watching. "We could totally do that!" Burter told Jeice, who nodded. They flew away before Buu arrived.
Guldo and Reccoome leave, along with Krillin and Piccolo as Buu is rampaging and killing everyone on the lookout. Things proceed from this point like they do in the original, and we get to the point where Gohan now returns back to earth and fights Buu. Old Kai was about to revive Goku when he stops him. "No! Don't bring me back just yet. We need Ginyu!" He states. "Gohan and Ginyu together stand a good chance. I'm sure there's another way I can be brought back. Old Kai chuckles and Ginyu appears on the Sacred World of the Kais, and after Goku explains the situation, suddenly both Supreme Kai and Old Kai give their life forces to Goku and Ginyu, who thank them before Old Kai tells them about the Potara Earrings, and goes through the whole talk about how the Potara work, except in this story, all the retcons already happened, so he properly explains that they last one hour, and that the fusion's power is that of both fighters combined and increased tens of times! Goku is the one given the earrings, and both of them are sent down to deal with the threat.

Goku throws the Potara Earring to Gohan as Goku and Ginyu fly down, and Goku causes a distraction for Buu, allowing Gohan to get the earring on. Goku tosses the other to Ginyu, ordering him to put it on his left ear, which he does. Goku fires a Kamehameha at Buu, which gives exactly enough time for Ginyu and Gohan to come together and form Ginhan! Ginhan and Goku stand side by side as Vegeta flies down behind them, demanding an explanation as to who this Clown is in the same Gi as Goku. Goku explains everything, the potara and all, standing back to watch the show.

Ginhan got into a stance and Goku stepped back next to Vegeta to watch. Buu charged at the Hybrid Fusion, but Ginhan simply blocked every punch that Buu threw, even catching one and throwing a mighty counterattack. With Gohan's unlocked potential, and Ginyu's brute strength, Ginhan punched a huge hole into Buu's stomach. Then, a second figure got behind Buu and kicked him up into the air. Soon, it was realized that this figure was a Dance Fusion between Jeice and Burter, who were excited to see Ginyu was alive again and in this fusion.

Buu laughed at them, "You're only hurting every person I've absorbed and eaten here, you'll end their existence if you keep it up." He explained with a sinister grin. But Ginhan already knew that. He flew up to Buu and drove both hands into Buu's stomach hole as it regenerated, trapping his hands inside. A bright violet aura formed around the purple fusion and he yelled "Change Beam Fire!!" which was a combination of the Special Beam Cannon and the Body Change ability. It shot throughout Buu's entire body, and engulfed every person inside, including Good Buu, and they all got put right where Ginhan was standing. Beice was quick to add to the assault, as before Buu could attack the others again, Beice threw him around and used Purple Comet Hurricane! The fusion version of Jeice and Burter's combine attack between Jeices Red Magma and Burter's Blue Hurricane.

Ginhan, now being the only one inside Buu, shot a Milky Masenko, a combination of Milky Cannon and Masenko, and blew up Buu from the inside out! To all, it appeared Buu randomly exploded in a purple ball, but when the smoke cleared, Ginhan could be seen. He gave everyone a thumbs up, insuring they were all safe. Buu then started regenerating behind him, but a Milky Kamehameha, a combination of Gohan's Kamehameha and Ginyu's Milky Cannon, stopped that, and destroyed every atomic particle of Buu. Evil Buu was vanquished early, and everyone inside Buu was brought back, however they later used the Namekian Dragon Balls to bring back everyone who died by Buu's hand. Ginyu even got to keep the Potara!

( And that, is the end of the Dragon Ball Z portion of the What-If. But we still have to go over one more thing before I start writing in Super. How Strong are these Fusions?)

Ginhan (Ginyu+Gohan)

Dominant Personality: Ginyu

Strengths: Tactical, Smart, Calculated with every attack.

Weaknesses: Flashy, Can get a little Cocky, Arrogant.

Ginyu was above Goku in Super Saiyan 1 levels, 55% stronger actually, and Gohan was the strongest Saiyan in the group at the time of this Saga, so their Combined Strength was much higher than Vegito in the Buu Saga!

Beice (Burter+Jeice)

Dominant Personality: Jeice

Strengths: A perfect fusion due to the counterparts perfect bond, Powerful, Knows a lot of combo attacks.

Weaknesses: Flashy, Can get very cocky

Jeice was less than half of Goku in Super Saiyan 1's Power, while Burter was a little above. Thus, this Fusion would be weaker than Vegito, but still strong enough to hold his own against Buu at the time of the Saga. Plus, his overwhelming speed and agility would have caught anyone off guard, even Goku was having trouble seeing Beice between attacks.

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