Ginyu and Friends vs Cell, Ginyu's Great Gambit

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It's been a whole 2 years since the Ginyu Force joined Forces with Goku... and it has been difficult for the public to stomach the fact that Aliens live among them. However, the Great Mr. Satan has reassured them that all is well, and that they mean no harm. They are actually good guys here to defend the earth. The people finally started to believe after that! Goku thanked Mr. Satan and offered him a spar, but he politely declined and stated it was out of the kindness of his heart!

Ginyu and his men were doing training exercises when Goku came around. "Hey Ginyu, how are things coming along?" Goku asked inquisitively.

"Oh, things are just great Goku! We've started up training to defend the Earth from evil! And we've had Bulma help us make some Hero Suits to make it official! The Ginyu Force are full fledged Good Guys!" Ginyu stated proudly.

"Yeah! You tell'm Cap'n!" Jeice exclaimed, fist in the air.

Without warning, a Time Machine falls from the sky, landing surprisingly close to the 6 of them. Out steps Trunks, whom was absolutely shocked to see 5 of those 6 people.

The second he hit the ground, he jumped at Ginyu and hugged him tightly. "G-Ginyu!!" Trunks sobbed, his tears getting on the Mutant's armor.

"W-What the-!?" Ginyu stammered, but afterwards Trunks let go... He almost made a huge mess up.

"S-Sorry... W-We've met before, in the future." Trunks explained, which got Ginyu asking a million questions a minute. Things like "Do I have any cooler Poses?" "Do I have more Members of the Ginyu Force?" "Do I-"

Goku conked Ginyu on the head. Not hard enough to knock him out, but enough to make him shut up. Trunks then explains about the heart virus and how he brought medicine for Goku to be cured, and he needs to fight the androids to save his future. Goku gets ready to tell the others, when Ginyu states he and the Ginyu Force should come as well. Goku declines, saying they may not be strong enough, so he needs to keep them training. He bows to Goku and does as he is told.

From here, the biggest difference in the Android arc, is that Ginyu and his lackies are busy training back in the mountains while everything else proceeds as it were in the original story. So, by now, Everyone has grown stronger, especially the Ginyu Force! In fact, Ginyu and his men are stronger than Goku... In base... If he went Super Saiyan however, it wouldn't be anywhere near as close. But by now, the others have been fighting Cell, and he has already obtained his Perfect Form! Goku flies to where the Ginyu Force have been staying, using their ship for a house which has been in the mountains. Goku tells them about the Cell Games, and they're all eager. They are told the rules. One vs One fights, If Cell wins the tournament the planet is destroyed, etc. They are all eager to join the tournament, and so they fly with all the other Z-Fighter contenders right to the arena. Cell was already waiting for them, and things seem to proceed as normal until after Goku's fight, where Ginyu then yells. "MEN! FIGHT NOW!"

At this moment, Goku hadn't given Cell the Senzu Bean which restored him to full power before he would fight Gohan, so the Ginyu Force got the drop on him while he was tired and weakened, and with all of their power combined they were actually overpowering Cell! Goku tried to protest, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Suddenly, the 5 men all flew above Cell, did a pose together, and began charging their strongest attacks. In unison they yelled. "Ginyu.... Force... FIRE!!" and fired a massive white beam, which evaporated Cell... except one foot survived the blast.

The Ginyu Force praised each other, until the foot started vibrating... and with that, Cell's whole body regenerated straight from the foot. Cell was now even stronger than in the original story, and after knocking the Ginyu Force down, his Fight with Gohan began!

Unlike in the original story, despite the Cell Jrs being stronger than in the original, Because the Ginyu Force was there, it was 2v1 fights, which were actually won! However Cell threatened to explode the whole world. Goku instant transmissioned Cell to King Kai's like in the original, killing himself and Cell... and this time, for good. This was because the explosion was much greater than before, since Cell was given an extra zenkai. So now, Cell was too powerful for his own body to handle, and he destroyed every cell (pun intended) of his own body.

Other than Cell's new death, most everything proceeded like the original, except nobody needed reviving.

The Ginyu Force after getting healed went back to resume their training, but Gohan asked if he could join them, and maybe learn a few of those poses. But of course, another threat will emerge.

(and this is where we'll leave things. I'm going to try to be more consistent with the uploads of the story as best as i can. I hope you're all enjoying this, and thank you for bringing me to #5 on the Ginyu thread of Wattpad. It means a lot. Anyhow, I'll be seeing you all next time!)

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