1.) Wounded Welcoming

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Author's Note:
I just want to say... I'm sorry 😂 I wrote this with minimal patience and therefore it lacks proper editing and details. Thank you all for your support <3

My knees snapped, cracked like twigs. My ribs broke, shattered to pieces like glass. My head ached, pounding and stabbing my brain.

I was beaten.


The pain persisted, worsening as rough, sharp, force connected with my flesh, skin and bones. Time was frozen, I was frozen in time. It didn't end. A second was a minute, a minute was an hour. Before time froze, it all happened so fast. Too fast.

I must admit, it hurt a little bit.

Well, a lot.

I had lost knowledge of what was going on as everything went black. Dark, darkness, surrounding me. All my senses suddenly disappeared. Sight, sent, hearing, smell, all gone. Except touch.

I felt the boot, the fist, the knife.

This man who I thought I trusted was now tearing my life, my last hope of joy, and my innocence away from me, just for petty pleasure and a 16 ounce expired can of soup.


Bang. Bang. Bang.

With that, everything went away. The boot, the fist, the knife, and my consciousness.


The sky is gray. It has a tint of brown and dark red, navy blue. The gray clouds rolled by, dark but fluffy, dark cotton balls that would catch you when you fall, support you when you rise. Thunder and lightning. Boom.

"Where is that blood?" somebody yelled. My eyelids, eyelashes rose, I was able to see. Blurry, but eyesight. A young girl, brown hair, tied back and up. A slightly older male, darker skin and darker eyes, brown hair and a thin, scraggly brown beard. My eyelashes, eyelids shut.

A machine beeped.

I went to sleep.


"...and Judith keeps asking for you. She's with Carol and Henry right now, reading Dr. Seuss."

"Tell her I'll come and see her tonight. Oh - and remind her that the more she sends you to come get me, the longer it takes for me to finish up here. She's going back home tomorrow so I'll make sure to say goodbye."

"Enid, she's waking up," a man's voice spoke softly as my blue orbs reacted unpleasantly to the bright lamps. I squinted. "Turn those down," he added. The words followed a small action - the girl hurried to the lamp and turned it down. While watching her, I was able to observe a lot about the surrounding environment.

First off, it was nighttime. I was in a hospital - like bed, IV's in my arm. Pulse and oxygen monitor on my finger. There were cabinets, a heart rate monitor next to my IV stand. The man with brown hair and eyes stood next to the girl with light brown hair. They looked at me, eyeing me like I was their prize pig they had raised, and I had just won a million dollar competition.

"We will start off by saying we won't hurt you. I know that in this day and age, anybody can say that. But trust me, we aren't going to hurt you, okay? Just hear us out," the girl spoke. Her voice was gentle, young and sweet. Trustworthy, I could tell. I know it.

"You're in a community. Our people found you in the woods, abused and clearly raped. I won't go into detail but whoever that man was, he took off before we could catch up with him. We brought you back here, worked on your injuries and now you're here. My name is Saddiq. This is Enid. Our community is one of 3. We're all an alliance, one big group, we work together. Enid and I are two of the 4 doctors. Can we ask your name?" The man tilted his head.

I didn't respond. I stared at the man, supposedly Saddiq, with steady yet shaky eyes.

Trust no one. That is what I had learned from the accident.

"It's okay," the girl told me.

I didn't respond. My eyes stared, switching between them.

"She's scared," the girl - Enid - told Saddiq. "Maybe get Ezekiel in here?"

Saddiq nodded and knocked on the door, knocked a special rythym. It sounded like a code.

Trust no one.

A man walked in. He had large brown eyes, long gray and brown dreadlocks.

He looked cool.

He wore jeans and a black tee shirt.

"She won't talk to us," Saddiq said softly.

"She's scared," Enid added.

"I'm Ezekiel," the cool dude looked down at me with a warm, trusting smile. It reminded me of one of my uncles. One of the good ones.

Trust him.

You can tell a lot about a guy by his smile. If you pay enough attention, you can right off the bat decide whether or not you trust them.

I trust Ezekiel.

He's kind, I can tell.

He gave a look to Saddiq and Enid, and they nodded, leaving the room. Ezekiel looked at me. "What's your name? It's only you and me now, and I can tell you like my hair." He smiled.

"Navy," I responded quietly, a crackly voice crack. "And I do," I forced a small smile. He let out a small laugh.

"I know you're not feeling your best right now. I can't imagine what you must be going through but I'm here for you, and I'm here with you. You're not alone." He gently smiled. "I'm the leader here. Usually we don't take people in, but there's something about you that is telling me you're not all bad."

"What is this place?" I croaked. The back of my throat ached, it felt as though the skin of my esophagus was peeling off, drying up, revealing exposed muscle only to be dried and peeled. 

"The Kingdom. We won't get into that right now," he placed a hand on mine but I flinched, taking mine away. He let out a breath. "Get some rest. You'll be safe here, I promise you." He definitely has promising eyes. "When you wake up, I'll be here."

I hesitated to close my eyes.

"You're safe now, Navy. You're safe."

Alone (Henry TWD) (Needs major editing)Where stories live. Discover now