6.) Investigation pt. 2

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The patroller who was guarding our house had taken down the stranger, put him in handcuffs.

They took him somewhere to ask him questions, Henry and I had been waiting in the living room since.

Finally, Ezekiel, Carol, and the man named Daryl walked into the house. They came into the living room and looked at us.

"So?" Henry asked. Daryl had longish brown hair, brown eyes. He reminded me of one of my uncles and looked strangely familiar.

"He won't say anything. Daryl is going to stay here for the night. Tomorrow he's going out to look at the tracks and see what he can find. We don't know if he has a camp with a few people or a community with a few hundred people. We don't know." While Ezekiel was talking, I kept staring at Daryl, wondering where I saw him from. He was looking at the ground, thinking about something. "Until we figure it out, Daryl will stay in the guest room next to Navy's. That way if another person comes Daryl will be there too."

"You saved me..." I mumbled.

"What?" Ezekiel asked.

"Daryl. You were the one in the hood. About a year or two ago. I was with my two uncles and my cousin, we were stuck in that store and you saved us. Afterwards you said you only saved us because you saw how young my cousin was. You stayed with us for about a week because we were treating your knife wound... you saved us."

"I knew I saw ya' somewhere kid," Daryl said with a small smirk.

"And you were right about Marshal, by the way. I should've listened."

"Don't worry 'bout it. I've made same mistakes."

I smiled a little. Daryl wasn't a friend, he was a stranger that saved us, stayed with us for a week without talking, and then when he left he out of nowhere gave me advice that I didn't even believe at first... but I should have.


I jumped awake, looking at the tv that was still on, then glancing to my right to see Henry fast asleep on the living room couch as well. I groaned quietly as I looked into the kitchen to see Daryl and Ezekiel looking at me. Ezekiel smiled.

"Good afternoon," he greeted.

"What?" I asked.

"You slept in. Get some food, get dressed and clean up. We're going to Alexandria, staying there for a week or two. I'll explain on the way there."


I packed a bag with some food and water, along with a sketch book and pencils that Henry gave me yesterday. Ezekiel said there were clothes and everything I needed there.

We rode on a wagon that was led by horses, Ezekiel held the ropes. I don't know what they're called.

Henry was sitting next to me, we were sitting in the back. Carol, Ezekiel and Daryl were in the front.

"There's another community that poses a threat to us. We're going to Alexandria to discuss plans, and Jesus, Maggie and a few others from the Hilltop will be there too. I didn't feel comfortable about leaving you two alone so you're coming with us." Ezekiel explained.

It was a 3 hours horse ride.

The walls of Alexandria were tall, at least 15 feet. They were steal and rusty. The inside was a mini version of the Kingdom. There were houses that were built and painted, others that were still being put up. There were gardens, but smaller than the Kingdom. There were people but not as many.

We walked the road, following the lead of Daryl and Carol. We approached a house, a young girl was sitting on the porch, as if she was on watch. She wore a Sheriff's hat and had blonde hair and brown eyes. If I were to guess, she's about 8 or 9 years old

"Uncle Daryl!" She screamed, running up to Daryl. Daryl grinned, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Ya' still remember me kid?" He asked as we kept walking towards the house.

"I've missed you so much! Mommy told me you were coming!" Daryl grinned and placed the girl, who I assume is Judith, on the ground.

"Yeah, I'll be back here for a lil' while. Where is she?" Daryl asked, we walked up onto the porch.

"She's upstairs with R.J."

"Thanks Jude, lead the way," Daryl smiled. Despite the creepy, lone wolf side of him I was introduced too, he seemed really good with her.

Judith smiled and led us all inside. Henry, Ezekiel, Carol and I stayed behind as Daryl went upstairs with the young girl.

We waited. We listed. We waited, and listened. Out came a lady, holding a boy, about 5 or 6 years old, in her arms.

"Hello, Michonne," Ezekiel smiled.

"I haven't seen this little fella, I've only heard about him," Carol smiled.

Michonne smiled a little. "His name is Rick... um, Junior. R.J. for short," she took a small breath. "Let's begin by getting you guys settled in."

Alone (Henry TWD) (Needs major editing)Where stories live. Discover now