Love Actually. (A One Direction fanfic)

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**********Emma's P.O.V********

"Well you have to dress in something black or you'll be glowing in the ultraviolet light," I threw a short-sleeved black t-shirt at Ally.

"Eh... black isn't really my colour..." Ally frowns at the plain shirt

"Pleaaase wear it! Please!" I beg with my hands clasped

"Fine..." she pulls on the shirt and pulls her brown hair in a ponytail

"YAY!! I'm so excited!" I grin

"Yup you always are when its your turn to choose the Friday night activity." Ally scoffs, I grab some black face paint off the dresser and apply it to my cheeks.

"I'm ready to kill..." I ignore her and grin deviously. Ally laughs and puts the same marks on her face.

"Alright," She changes her voice an octive lower, "are you ready?"

"DUH!" I grab my phone and wallet. "Vamanos!" I say in a Spanish accent. Ally rolls her eyes and opens our flat door. "I drive!" On the way to the door I grab my keys and shove them in my pocket. I close the door and lock it, then I run down the hallway, to the garage. I find my old truck and climb in turning on the radio to Top 40. I wait for Ally to catch up. A familiar tune grabs my attention away from the stairwell  

"I'm broken, do you hear me?" I start singing along. "I'm blinded, 'cause you are every thing I see. I'm dancin, alone. I'm prayin that your heart will just turn around!" 

I jump as Ally climbs in the truck, she laughs.

"Did I scare ya?" She laughs, my cheeks grow warm.

"Pfft, no..." I smile, and pull out of the parking garage.

"So One Direction eh?"

**********Ally's P.O.V***********

"I can really connect with their music." Her smile fades a bit.

"Yeah most of your boyfriends are total bas-" I start

"Shut-up!" She interrupts and gives me a punch in the arm. I rub it and smirk. She absently turns the radio up

"You aren't going to turn into a crazy fan are you?" I look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Naah... I don't freak over things like that." We pull into the laser-tag parking lot.  "Come on you wierdo" she drags me inside.

"It's dark and smells like Axe..." I complain as we step into the dark room and a powerful smell hits my nose.

"Yeah, not many girls come here" Emma says to me as she pays the cashier and he hands her two green tickets. She stuffs them in her pocket and walks over to a empty couch, jumping onto it. "Mostly guys" she continues. As I plop down next to her she starts wiggling her eyebrows like she's seen a guy. "Ooooh... look at him!" She says and I turn to see a blue-eyed blonde haired boy

"Nice," I say watching him as Emma checks out his friends.

"Ooh! That one is wearing a beanie!" She smiles "Maybe we should go seduce them..." she says gesturing to the five lads.

"No way!" I object while she rolls her eyes.

"Excuse me Laser-tag Central customers!" A prerecorded voice echos through the now quiet room. "If you have a green laser pass please report to the Team room please." The music starts to play again. Emma looks down at the green cards and smiles. She looks over at the guy with the beanie and gets all excited.

"Ally!! They have the same cards!" Her smile grows as we watch the other boys take out their green cards and start making their way to the Team room.

"Awesome!!" I say, Emma walks to the Team room with me slightly behind her, an employee closes the door behind us and we look around in the semi-dark room to see bleachers on one wall with a couple of loners crowded on the left side then the fit looking guys on the right. Emma of course leads me over to the right side of the bleachers. I walk over to Blondie,

"Hey is it okay if I sit here?" 

**********Emma's P.O.V********

"Hi, is this seat taken?" I smile at Mr. Beanie and be gives me a lopsided grin.

"Nope help yourself." He says in and takes his beanie off revealing longish curly hair.

"So... laser-tag often?" 

I look over Curly's shoulder to see Ally sitting next to Blondie and giggling. Curly clears his throat,

"Oh! Sorry, I do laser-tag almost every other week." I blush. 'What is it with this dude?! I've almost never blushed in a normal conversation with a dude...'

"Ah. Me and the lads come here every so often." He says in his nice...deep voice.

"So, what's your name?" Surprise runs across his face but he tries to hide it quickly.

"Uhm. I'm Harry, Harry Styles."

"Oh nice name. I'm Emma by the way" I hold out my hand for him to shake, he tucks his beanie into the back pocket of his saggy trousers and shakes my hand. I feel electricity run up my arm. Whooaa...

**********Ally's P.O.V***********

"Course you can sit here." Blondie says, with a Irish accent, so I sit down next to him.

"So, uh, what's your name?" I ask

"Niall, yours?" He says in his deep Irish accent that I realized I LOVE.

"My names Ally." I smile

"So do you come here often?" Niall asks me

"I live with my best friend a little system from here, and when its her turn to pick the Friday night activity we come here. Which is, like, every others Friday, but its fun so I don't complain." I answer and he starts to laugh

"I come here every so often with the lads," he says

"Okay" blah blah instructor talking "pick a partner"

"Hey Ally. Be my partner?" He asks with a grin

"I'd love to!" We shake hands and I sneak a side ways glance at Emma who looks like she's getting along quite nicely with Beanie.

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