Chapter 37

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************Emma's P.O.V*********

I swing open the door to the airport, shocked by the lack of fans. Tatyana takes my hand and drags me towards the security where I see the boys with huge smiles on their faces.

"Harry!" I yell, I get a few dirty looks but I don't care. He drops his bag and starts pushing through the crowd towards me, Niall does the same but towards Tatyana. I crash my mouth into Harry's and try to pull him closer. He pulls back, breathless.

"I missed you so much," he nuzzles my neck. I fight back tears of joy as I hug each of the boys. Harry takes his duffel bag from Louis and takes my hand in his.

"Today is the day," he throws one of his amazing smiles my way.

"Yeah," I look at the tattoos littered up his wrist. "Aren't you tired, baby?" I look up at him,

"Yeah," he kisses my temple lightly,

"You don't have to help me, babe," I offer him.

"No," he says firmly, "I'll help."

"Adios, boys" I say goodbye to the boys and Tatyana. "I'm already packed," I climb into my old truck. Harry sits in the passenger's seat and eventually falls asleep. I smile lightly as I pull into the garage, his eyes flicker open. He sits up and looks at me,

"Hey," he smiles flirtatiously,

"Hey, yourself," I throw open the door and start towards the apartment.

"Why do you insist on driving that hunk of junk?" Harry rubs his eye,

"Because I like it!" We've talked about this a million times, I don't want a fancy car. I would actually rather have no car. I unlock the door to my ex-apartment Almond Joy rubs up against Harry, purring loudly. "There's some boxes over there," I point to just outside my bedroom. He walks over and fills his arms with boxes. I get all of Almond Joy's things and follow Harry to his truck. I look at Harry,

"What?" He returns my look,

"I love you," I smile at him as I put my stuff in the truck bed. He looks at me, an unreadable expression on his face. My smile falls, "What?"

Harry gets into the truck then looks at me, "I love you so much it just seems stupid to say it," he flashes me a cocky smile. I wind my right hand around his neck then move in to kiss him. He kisses me back, wrapping his hands around my back and pulling me towards him. His chest rumbles with a groan as he slides his hands over my jeans. His mouth moves down my neck until he makes it to my collarbone.

"Harry," I whisper, my voice surprisingly raspy.

"Yes?" He slides his hand up the back of my shirt.

"I love you so much," my heart aches with love for this one boy who has changed my life in amazing ways. I run my thumb down his jawbone, trying to remember every detail about this one moment. His hands run higher up my back as he starts kissing me again.

"Let's go home, baby," if his smile got any bigger I'm afraid his face would split in half. I'm surprised HE'S the one that called off the make out session but I crawl off of him anyway. As I start up the truck Almond Joy mews with content. That's a sign right?


Harry unlocks the door and puts the three boxes inside. One of them contains his birthday present and a few other clothes of mine. He sighs and looks at the apartment full of 80's rock posters and default pictures. This apartment needed some girling up. Harry makes his way to his soft leather couch and flops down on it. I roll my eyes and let Almond Joy out. She automatically jumps on Harry's couch and curls up next to him, he starts to snore softly. I start putting all my clothes into the dresser he cleared out for me. I put his present in the bottom of my underwear drawer then start towards the kitchen again. Harry grabs my waist as I pass by the couch. I jump,

"I thought you were asleep!" I laugh and he tugs me onto the couch.

"I was," he smiles sleepily as I cuddle into him. The whole apartment smells like him, especially the couch. Harry starts humming softly in my ear as we fall asleep in each other's arms.


"Let's do something!" Harry's green eyes are filled with light, "Something totally outrageous and stupid,"

I laugh, "Agreed,"

"Couples tattoo," Harry grins at me. My mouth drops open, this is serious. You can't remove Tattoos. He must have seen the surprise I was working to hide because he takes my hands in his and looks into my eyes. "I love you, Emma. Nothing will ever change that."

I get up, "Let's go," a smile leaks out onto my lips. Harry gets up and wraps me in a hug.

"Sweet!" He takes my hand and leads me out the door.


"Hey, Ed," Harry pulls him into the apartment,

"I figured the walls would be pink by now," he flashes a smile at me,

"Har, har," I stick my tongue out at him.

"So this right?" Ed flashes a picture of the sweetheart candy tattoos.

"Yeah," Harry smiles his award winning smile at me and pulls me closer.

"Alright," Ed lays his bag on Harry's kitchen table and starts disinfecting our hands and his equipment. Harry intertwines our fingers together,

"You okay, babe?" He looks at me, his eyes a milky green.

"I'm great," I flash him a smile. Ed turns the needle on, a harsh purring echoing through the apartment. He touches it to Harry's skin first, causing him to tighten his grip on my hand. I wince for him. Ed draws the outline of the heart in black and dips his needle into a light baby blue. He then lightly brushes in on the inside of the heart.

"There," Ed wipes the access ink off of Harry's hand. I smile, it's amazing. Perfect for us both.

"Ready?" Ed looks at me, I would have fangirled and died usually but I figure Harry wouldn't appreciate that... So I settle for a nod instead. He cleaned his needle and replaced the color to black again. He starts to drill the color into my skin, Harry shoots me a nervous look. I smile at him, it doesn't hurt as much when he's holding my hand. Ed finishes and smiles at his handy work. I feel happy tears prick my eyes as I squeeze Harry's hand.

"Thanks, man," Harry and Ed do that bro handshake that all guys seem to know.

"No problem," Ed whispers something in Harry's ear, he laughs nervously and hands Ed some money. Ed nods at me and lifts his imaginary cap to us, "Have fun you two," he winks at us and shows himself out.

"The fans will be so jealous," Harry laughs, looking down at his new tattoo.

"Harry," my heart starts thumping in my chest, he looks up, "Kiss me, Styles," we crash our lips together and some how end up on the couch. I slide my hands up his shirt, trying to memorize every curve of muscle. He pulls back from the kiss to lift his shirt over his head. My lips travel down to his neck, he tilts his head back on the couch to give me more room to explore.

"I love you," I smile against his skin,

"Not as much as I love you," he wraps his huge hands around my waist. I laugh lightly,

"I doubt that very much,"

"I'll prove it," Harry says, his voice an octave lower.

I manage a shaky "Okay," his eyes light up,

"Okay," he really kisses me then, his lips pouring over mine. Electricity courses through and in between our bodies.

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