Chapter 32

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**********Emma's P.O.V************

I can see the anger and outrage in his eyes, then the anger fades and is soon replaced with disappointment.

"Why," his voice his barely a whisper. Fear and regret winds around my heart.

"I wanted to," what does he mean why? I can do what I want! I'm 18 years old!

"You don't think you should've asked me?" Harry asks, almost outraged. This is the tipping point, I stand up scooting my chair back at least two feet.

"Why?! I'm your bloody stylist AND GIRLFRIEND and you don't ask me when you get a tattoo!" I almost choke on the rush of feelings rising in my throat.

"Emma," Harry starts, standing up, "I know you are a complicated girl, with complicated feelings." He stands close to me, his lips centimeters from mine. I move closer so out foreheads touch,

"I'm sorry, Hazz. You've been nothing but good to me," I whisper, our lips softly brushing each other.

"I love you," Harry tilts my chin, kissing me softly. I pull him close and smile in-between our kiss.

"I love you too," my smile spreads across my entire face. Harry looks into my eyes, his beautiful green ones inches away.

"I rented a cabin." Harry continues looking at me,

"Why?" I laugh a little,

"For Christmas," he starts to smile,

"What about your family?"

"My mum is sick," he starts swaying to his own song in his head.

"Oh, sorry." I murmur, swaying with him.

"But anyway!" Harry clears his throat, "we have to leave,"


"Now." Harry laughs at himself.

"Seriously Harold?!" I pull away from him, he narrows his eyes at me.

"Who told you that was my real name?"

I laugh, "Twitter! Duh," I roll my eyes and march into my bedroom to pack, he follows me. "What about your things?" I pull out a suitcase watching Harry out of the side of my eye.

"Oh, I probably should've packed the car..." Harry's face flushes red. I giggle as I finish shoving clothes into my bag, mostly sweaters. Harry turns back towards the door and I shove the presents I bought for him into my bag and zip it closed.

"Okay," I give Harry a toothy smile, "You didn't have to rent a cabin," I brush my hair behind my ear involuntarily.

"I wanted to spend time with you," Harry takes my bag for me. He can always find someway to fill my chest with warmth and make butterflies in my stomach. "Is your Mum okay with it?" We step inside the elevator,

"Eh," I shrug impartially, "She doesn't care about much of what I do," I mean, I left America with Ally the minute she turned 18. I was only 16 and my mom was totally okay with it. We never really agree on much. People say the reason we fight constantly is because we are so alike in so many ways, I think they're liars.

"So how do you get away with acting like an 18 year old?" Harry steps through the elevator doors into the parking garage,

"With a guardian's consent you can do anything besides drink," I smile, a little bitterly, at the thought of Ally. She's stressing poor Niall out. She forces him to go shopping and buy her things. It's sickening. She didn't used to be this way. Having a famous boyfriend just tossed her over the edge I suppose. I adjust the weight of my bag on my shoulder as we walk towards Harry's stylish Audi. I toss my bag into the floor in front of my seat and climb into the car.


"We're here," Harry's deep voice pulls me into reality again. I smile and open my eyes, the ground is covered in a blanket of snow. That perfect amount so you can't see the grass. "It's all to ourselves," I can feel him watching me closely, gauging my reactions. It's insanely beautiful. Just amazing, really. I crunch through the snow as I make my way to the door, I can feel Harry close by. He unlocks the door from behind me and pushes it open for me. Warmth rushes out of the door as I move inside. I kick off my boots and carefully place them on the rug by the door. Harry places the suitcases on the rug as well.

"It's beautiful, Harry," I look around the cabin, I walk deeper into the house smiling. The cherry colored floors complement the 70's style wooden walls. The couch is a deep red, with a dark leather chair next to it. The kitchen hooks directly to the dining room and living room. "Thank you so much!!" I throw my arms around Harry and giggle.

"Have you ever been to a Christmas party?" He pulls back to look into my eyes.

"Honestly? Not really. Unless you count my Mum's parties. But I had to babysit the whole time so it wasn't great..." I look into his amazing green eyes, "Why?"

"This is your first time then?" Harry's eyebrows raise and I start laughing hysterically.

"Quoting 'Adventurous Adventures of One Direction'? Really?" I start laughing again,

"Yeah, have you seen that?" Pink tinges Harry's cheeks.

"Of course! Mark Parsons captured you perfectly!" I laugh remembering the Russian chick. He grabs my waist and hoists me over his shoulders. "Whoa!!! Harry!!!" I scream, still laughing. He lays me onto the couch and watches me laugh for a moment. "Seriously though," I try to catch my breath, "Why'd you ask me about the party thing?"

"Oh, because I set up a little get together with some mates," Harry sits on the couch beside me and moves my feet so they're on his lap.

"Okay, when?" I watch him flip his hair in that super cute way he does. The boys call it the 'sh-sh-sh-shoo' I think it captures it perfectly.

"Tomorrow," He smiles toothily. I punch his arm playfully,

"You're lucky I brought a dress!"

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