Chapter 13

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"This is absurd." I whispered quietly as we walked through the busy airport. A brand new Spanish passport was in my shaking hands. I felt like we were so obvious as we wandered through the airport. Any second now I thought someone would call out my name and everything would crumble to pieces once more. Every time I saw a security guard I would hold my breath until they passed.I glanced at over at my friend for emotional support.

Sophie looked as cool and as collected as I had ever seen her. Those brown eyes were no longer wild and panicked and hadn't been since we had exited the government building that Alistair had kept me in. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail and she was wearing clothing that would fit in perfectly well at my office. It was a far cry from the frantic woman who kicked in the door and helped me escape from whatever terrors and torture were coming my way on behalf of Alistair, and eventually Josh. It had been clear from the start that she had a plan but – even though it had worked perfectly up to this point- I didn't know the whole strategy and that was making me anxious. I couldn't feed into the plan if I didn't know it.

"You need to get it together." Sophie replied evenly as my finger slipped into my mouth so I could gnaw on my nail viciously. "These people are trained to detect overly nervous travelers."

"I can't, you are now tangled in this whole thing with me, and this was never supposed to happen. If I was going to go down I was going to go down by myself." I ranted. Yes, I was worried for myself. But having her in harm's way was much worse for me. She never deserved this; all she had done was help me. The good Samaritan didn't deserve to go down with the crook.

"I was going to go with you no matter what." Sophie retorted as we wove through our terminal, finding an empty seat by our gate. "I made that choice when I got you out of Anaheim the first time. If this went any further than it did then I would be in the same position you were in. People like Kingsley don't leave loose ends, ever. He would've found me eventually. Through doing this now we are helping both of us, not just you."

Her words made me keep my mouth shut. She was right. Alistair had known that someone had put my documents in the system; it was only a matter of time before someone unraveled the web that Sophie had so delicately made and all fingers would be pointed at her regardless. And since she had use her access key to enter into the facility where I had been held and the few workers who were still there saw us leave together there was no way she was going to be getting away from this who dilemma without a scratch. I had done most of the law breaking but she had been the one to enable it. And Josh would be just as furious with my accomplice as he was with me, I was sure of it. She was the whole reason I was able to get away at all. Running away together seemed like the only reasonable option.

But staring down at the Spanish passport with my face and a new name I felt sick to my stomach.

I knew Sophie's plan would work. She thought of everything. She always did. I know that she had been formulating a plan since Josh had broken in to my apartment and she simply had to speed it up when my alarm system had alerted her to Alistair taking me into custody. The only addition was that she had to trace Alistair's movements as well as mine, but her plan was no less solid than before.

After walking out of the building as calmly as we could she instructed me to put on the clothes she had left for me in the back seat of her sedan. She drove as I wriggled my body into tight leggings that fit me very well and a sweatshirt with the name of a university I had never been to plastered on the front of it and a pair of sneakers. It was a little painful to move around with my wound, but that was the least of my concerns and to be fair, my mind wasn't firing on all cylinders anymore. I paid no attention to the luggage that was around me, but I learned soon enough that the belongings in those bags was all we were taking with us in our new life. When I made let out a soft whimper over my company- the beautiful creature I had built from the ground up- she reminded me that I had a wonderful employee elected to take over my position should anything ever happen to me. After I settled down she ordered me to review the paperwork she left in the backseat. While I was memorizing the new documents that she had printed for me- these ones based out of Spain- she navigated her own way to a small car dealership, selling her beloved sedan and using her own new documents to purchase a used Honda Civic. Then we set off for the Toronto airport in possibly one of the most common cars on the planet. It would be almost impossible to trace us now. We had a changed our clothes, our getaway car, and we had legal pieces of fraudulent identification.

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