Thank You

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I just wanted to shoot out a little thank you to everyone who read, voted, and commented on Alistair's and Camila's journey. I know that some of you came from my werewolf books and I appreciate you being willing to take a chance on something new. I'm also super thankful to those of you who found me and my writing out of the blue, your support has made me a more confident writer and without all of you I wouldn't be where I am today.

Most of you probably know I'm not huge on direct sequels but I do have plans to add a couple bonus chapters in a little bit. And in the mean time I have started a new story (no werewolves in that one either) called The Girl With The Mouse Ears. I'd love it if you'd be willing to give it a try. If Dancing With The Devil is the be all, end all for you then have comfort knowing that I have some soft, add on chapters in mind for now.

Thank you all again. I hope you're all having a wonderful summer and my inbox is always open if you ever need a friend.

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