Chapter 41

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I had replayed various scenarios in my head hundreds of thousands of times because I had always known that it was only a matter of time before Josh came back. I thought about the possibility of Josh showing up in my home so often it had almost become a part of my daily life. And I knew that he could catch Sophie if he got his hands on me. Someone would have to pay for being the helping hand I needed all those years ago. The idea had been more terrifying than a sword hanging over my head, but I had still thought about all of the brave and noble things I would do to protect my friend, the woman who had given up everything for me. I thought I would do whatever it took to protect her because she hadn't thought twice about her choice.

But Josh was in my house. My friend and my lover were being held captive. And though it was slightly different from all of the possibilities I had considered it held similar components. Josh, hostages, viciousness, and threats.

I did nothing brave. I did nothing noble.

Josh was taking slow, calculated steps towards me. He moved like he was the proudest hunter in the jungle and I was nothing more than feeble prey that he would devour. And that's exactly how I felt.

With each step he took towards me I took an equal one backwards, scared to leave the two most important people in my semiconscious, just out of reaching distance. The thought of holding my ground crossed my mind, too. Then I visualized him touching me and bile rose in my throat. So we continued to dance. One step forward. One step back. One step forward. One step back.

Without thinking or even noticing I backed myself into the untouched kitchen. I was so focused on Josh and his slow, but steady advances that I didn't notice I was damning myself to easy confinement with all of the counters and cabinets. When my back hit the cool marble of the counter top it was too late. I was trapped in the corner of my kitchen with the most predatory captor the world had ever seen.

"Josh, you don't have to do this." I reasoned.

The words came out of my mouth but in that moment I felt like they were not my own. Maybe it was because I knew they wouldn't work but I said them anyway.

"But I do, pet. " Josh murmured back, a small smile on his lips, "You are acting very defiantly. You know that can't be tolerated, yet you continue to behave so badly. It's clear that I need to teach you a lesson. Something that will resonate in that mind of yours. And every time you forget we will sit down and watch your punishment together."

I watched in confusion as he pointed upward. My eyes followed the gesture and landed on the glowing, red light I had seen before. It was a pair of cameras. One was pointed into the kitchen I was currently in. the other was facing Alistair and Sophie who had become tattered victims. He had been recording the whole encounter for his view pleasure later.

"You're sick." I rasped out, the fear bleeding away.

The blow was brutal and fast, but expected. My hand didn't flinch up to cradle my cheek like it once would've. Instead, I stood perfectly still, ignoring the skin that was no doubt flushing with blood as my body tried to heal itself and the pain that flooded the entire side of my face. After two blink the tears that had rushed to my eyes dispersed and I could stare evenly at Josh again.

"You haven't forgotten everything I taught you." Josh purred, seeming pleased with my lack of response. "But you have become so much braver. I simply can't have that, can I?"

"You always were intimidated by me." I snarled, feeling the incision that my teeth had created on the inside of my mouth with my tongue.

Josh's mouth fell open, seeming stunned by my brazen statement. I wasn't sure where all of this confidence came from, but it felt incredible to use, though it was terribly dangerous as well. Rattling the man who seemed to be perfectly poised in every moment was the satisfaction I needed to push harder. I had always been too spirited for him, even when it came to our fights.

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