Chapter 29

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I thought about pulling away. I thought about all of the confusing emotions that had whirled through me when he had looked so pained the last time I had kissed him. I didn't want to put myself through that again.

But his mouth felt so good against mine. His taste was discrete and minty but so deeply enticing. And the gentle way that he was holding me to him made me melt and caused all of those concerns to drift away. I was certain that the alcohol helped a little as well.

"Come on." Alistair whispered, pulling away ever so slightly. His voice was low and encouraging.

I didn't have to open my eyes to know what he wanted. I pressed my lips back against his briefly, grabbing the arms of his chair, and slowly pulled myself into his lap. The movement was so bold when considering that he was the first man I had kissed in years. I worried that I had pushed him or myself beyond my sober limits. But one of his hands slid around my waist- easing my hips down so I was straddling him- and the other slipped through my knotted hair. When I settled onto his lap and cautiously kissed him again he let out a little noise of satisfaction that made my heart pound faster in my chest. My doubts fell away.

This was perfect.

This was where I needed to be.

Ever so slowly Alistair pulled away and I leaned back instantly, ready for an aggressive rebuttal to my brash actions. A lecture about how I was a criminal and he was the golden child of the Canadian government. Maybe the alcohol was making my head spin as much as the kisses and I had read his signs all wrong.

But his fingers carefully brushed my long hair back, away from my neck. His hand held my jaw, turning my head away. A muted gasp trickled out of my lips when I felt the open mouthed kisses on the sensitive, exposed skin. My hands unknowingly reached for him, pressing against his back. For the first time I felt the muscles of his strong back move beneath my hands. And when his teeth nibbled on the skin between my collarbone and my throat I instinctively clutched at his incredibly dark hair, my moaning now louder than before.

Alistair eased back again and my grey eyes met his green ones. His chest was rising and falling just as fast as mine was and his hands dripped down to rest on my hips. I could barely move, scarcely letting my hands drop.

The handsome stranger who had danced all night with me at my charity gala, the one who had made me giddy and excited when no man had in years, had kissed me. But he wasn't the same man anymore. He wasn't just someone who filled out a suit well and danced wonderfully.

Now I saw the tattoo that curled around his bicep that spoke to his rougher edge despite his refined exterior. I knew the kindness that was buried underneath all the seriousness that his eyes held. The broad shoulders, the unreadable expression, the cocky attitude would fall away to reveal the sweet, attentive man that I had come to adore.

"What are you thinking?" he asked softly.

His voice sounded hesitant but his hands remained on my body. He looked like he wouldn't let me go for anything.

"About you." I breathed back.

"Are you okay with this? Are you okay with me?" he pushed.

His question made my mind begin to whirl, but I didn't want to know the answer just yet. I didn't want my realistic thoughts to drag me down into fear, making my heart clench and race with panic. It was too soon and everything he was doing, the way he was paying attention to what I wanted, it felt so good.

So I did something I never thought I would do. With the bottle of wine back in my hand I gave him a coy smile and rolled my hips slowly, then took a deep drink of the sweet liquid.

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