Chapter 8

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"You can't do this." I whispered meekly. But I didn't resist physically when two sets of strong hands belonging to stern looking police officers found my shoulders and turned me around. With my back to all of the men and women in uniform, I felt cool metal close around my slender wrists and bile rose in my throat as terror whipped through my body. "Alistair." I whispered pleadingly, craning my neck to see him standing very still, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes no longer glowing with laughter like they had on our date. There was nothing in his expression aside from stark seriousness and an air of contempt surrounded him. "Alistair, please, you can't let them do this to me."

"Ms. Lopez, I think it's best if you remain silent until we formally start the questioning period." Alistair replied. His voice was cold and low. I was almost amazed that this was the same man that I had been so thrilled to go on a date with. I couldn't believe that I had stood in front of a mirror, examining myself from every angle to make sure that I looked absolutely perfect for a man who was now glaring at me. He couldn't possibly be the same man he gently pulled me close as he whispered his thoughts on the art that had been in front of us.

"My name is Celeste Davidson." I stated, but it felt like the denial came out of my mouth too late, like I had forgotten to defend myself.

The strong hands spun me around and began assisting me down the few steps that led up to my door. Their hold wasn't particularly hard and it wasn't causing me any pain, but I was certain that it would be impossible for me break out of.

"Of course it is." Alistair agreed, a taunting smirk gracing his lips. "Now, I want you to tell me if you have anything on you that will cause me bodily harm."

I shook my head slowly, becoming aware that I was standing on my lawn with my hands cuffed behind my back while wearing men's sweatpants and a hoodie I had gotten years ago that was fraying at every seam. The neighbors who smiled at me politely and chatted with me about their kids now gawked and stared shamelessly, loving the gossip more than my right to privacy.

But I had little time to worry about that because a moment later I felt hands grab at my upper thigh and slide down the length of my leg. I yelped and jerked away, but Alistair grabbed onto my leg tightly, forcing me to stay put. I watched him the whole time, knowing completely that this dark haired man was not Josh, but Josh had been the last man to touch me, the last man to run his hands over my thighs, around my waist and up my back. I fought the dizziness that came with the anxiety, hoping I appeared peeved and agitated, but I deeply feared I was going to faint. But he checked over my baggy clothing, carefully patting me down and when he was certain that my baggy clothing was hiding nothing he straightened up to his full height beside me.

"How should we transport her?" one of the officers hold my arms asked.

"Let me take it from here, thank you all for your help." Alistair replied. He moved closer to me and placed his hand perfectly against the small of my back, like he was guiding me onto the dance floor and not away from a hoard of law enforcement officers.

"You're going to look very foolish for dispatching all of the police in the city when it turns out that I'm a perfectly lawful citizen." I hissed out between my teeth. My words were strong but my knees were shaking.

"Of course, Ms. Lopez. But I would rather risk looking foolish than being dead as I was unprepared for the level of skill that you may have had."

"My name is Celeste Davidson." I snapped, "I don't know who you think I am, but I don't care. This is unlawful and cruel. Not to mention deeply unnecessary. Take a look at any of my documents, they all state my name very clearly. You dragging me out of my home like this is horrendous for my reputation and I will make sure you face repercussions."

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