Chapter 20

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"These things happen." Alistair's mother said softly as she placed a hand on his arm.

Seeing her casual reaction to her son's morbid announcement stunned me, but everyone else seemed relatively calm and collected. We were all sitting around a large, ornate table in the dining room and had I not been so wrapped up in our bizarre situation I would've been floored to be in such a spectacular, historic building. But I wasn't here for some pleasurable vacation. I was here because Alistair had killed a man. And his parents only seemed moderately confused by the situation.

Alistair's father was an unnerving man. He was tall with fair skin that Alistair obviously inherited and blonde hair so light it was almost white. His blue eyes were even more piercing than his son's and when he looked at me with no emotion on his face I wanted to curl up into myself. Finally, he spoke his first words to his son, frowning slightly.

"You knew what you were signing up for, Alistair." Had it not been for the pinch of concern that coated his voice it would've come out as a scolding.

"It was another agent." Alistair finally confessed. He was staring blankly at the wooden table, unable to look at either of his parents. I couldn't tell if he looked like a school boy waiting for his punishment or a nervous prisoner.

"And your girlfriend saw it happen?" His mom asked, looking at me sympathetically.

"He was trying to take her." Alistair said with the shake of his head, bringing his eyes up to his father's. "I got her friend to hack his GPS in his car. Then, when he pulled over, I shot him. I managed to push his car into the swamp and stole his access card so we could get a plane ride out of the UK before he was discovered missing."

"Oh sweetie." Alistair's mother soothed. "You destroyed the card, right?"

Alistair just nodded bleakly.

But his father was hearing everything that Alistair wasn't saying.

"Who was is?"

Alistair returned his eyes to the table. "Agent Graham Smith."

His mother recoiled, the hands that had been trying to calm him down were now clutching at her own heart and her mouth opened and closed several times as she searched for the words to say. His father leapt to his feet like he had been scalded by the plush chair beneath him. He immediately began to pace, one hand over his mouth in horror.

Seeing the two calmest people I had ever met suddenly lose their relaxed attitude made my heart pound in my chest.

"The one who was transferred over on behalf of the American government?" His father hissed.

Alistair just nodded blankly.

"The one that Josh Greene sent over?" Alistair's father paused mid-step, suddenly turning towards me with realization. I wanted to die when those unnerving eyes landed on me. "Camila Lopez."

"Oh my God, Alistair, you've committed treason." His mother rasped out. "You killed a member of the Canadian Secret Services; do you know what that means?"

"Yes, I know what that means!" he snapped, rubbing his face with his hands. "He was going to take Camila back to Josh."

"Then you fucking let him! You don't shoot people over their cases." His dad barked. His pacing had stopped entirely and he was now gripping the back of a chair so tightly his knuckles were white.

"Smith wasn't a fucking agent. He was a glorified hit man!" Alistair claimed.

"Enough. Both of you." Alistair's mother interjected. Both men were silenced immediately. Had the situation been any less dire I would've applauded her control over such intimidating men. Her warm brown eyes turned to me, "Camila, I want you to tell me what's going on."

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