Chapter 39

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I could do nothing for a long time. I sat very still, holding the receiver to my ear. One breath slipped in and out of my lungs. Then another.

All the times that I had considered the possibility of Josh finding me I tell myself that my mind would spin out of control with panic. I thought I would be so overwhelmed with fear that I would immediately begin crying or spew hundreds of apologies just for the sake of attempting to soothe some of Josh's anger. I would do anything, even if it was just putting a metaphorical Band-Aid over a bullet hole.

But I was just numb now.

I had begun to believe that this battle was over. I had let myself think that my skilled tech friend was handling everything and there would be nothing that would go wrong. It hadn't seemed too perfect at the time but I so badly wanted it to be true. Now, the shock of that faith coming undone was more than my mind could handle. I could do nothing but cling to the phone and stare blankly at the computer screen.

"For someone who was brave enough to go against me you sure are soft-mouthed all of the sudden." Josh purred from the other end.

And he was right. I had gone against him. I hadn't meant to originally, I certainly never wanted to and didn't plan it. I had just wanted to keep myself safe, to restore what was left of my authentic self instead of living in fear for the rest of my life. I just wanted to slip away in the night and restart in a new country. I had never been brave enough to take up the sword myself.

But Alistair had gotten involved, Smith had been murdered, and the only way to get home safely was to fight a war against my own fiancé. I had done it out of necessity, but because I hadn't been doing the work I almost forgot who I was attacking.

"What do you want?" I whispered, finally finding my voice.

It was foolish; I knew that was nothing of monetary value that I could give him that he wouldn't have access to himself. But I would've given him everything, from my condo to the shirt off my back, if it meant that he would leave me alone.

"I just want to talk, Camila, that's all."

When Alistair said my name it sounded like silk coming from his mouth. When Josh said it I felt bile rise in my throat and my eyes watered with disgust.

"I won't." I sputtered out, fully aware that it was a trap. Josh only played to win and he never played fairly.

"I think you will." Josh replied confidently. Even when he was threatening me so boldly his voice carried no concern or dread. There wasn't the slightest quake or tremor in his voice.

"I left you, I illegally entered another country, what could possible make me go back to you?"

"Well, you do love your dear friends so much, don't you?"

My breath caught in my throat.

My body froze.

"I know that you don't believe me. But that's okay. You were always so logical. I know that Sophie does one hell of a job with computer programs. If anyone would've been able to ease your mind it would've been her. And Alistair Kingsley. One of the youngest men to hold his position. You always wanted the best for yourself, daddy's little girl would never settle for less. And I'm sure that he could use all of his psychology training to convince you of just about anything. Like thinking that you could actually hide from me."

"I don't believe you. If you're with them let me talk to them." I blurted.

"As you wish."

I heard rustling as the other line was jostled about. Then a soft breath was sucked in.

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