TRENCH: 0.6: chapter six

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a/n: I've always wanted to write something like this. There is no right descriptor for this story, but I've always wanted to write something like this. Definitely.


Josh blinked rapidly at the impact of Tyler hitting him. Wrapping his arms after a second of realization at the body on top of him. He held him tight when he realized who it was, sitting up as Tyler's head was buried in Josh's shoulder out of fear, shaking and trying to catch onto the breath that was barely being sustained throughout the shaking frame of the boy. 

Debby marched back to the tent with an extra blanket, looking at the situation with pure confusion, giving Josh a harsh glare as if he planned it. He gave her a look of honesty that meant that he didn't plan this. Debby sighed, sitting criss cross on the waterproof floor of the tent, watching Tyler regain his breath atop Josh before he looked up and re-buried himself in Josh's neck.

"Tyler?" Josh asked, holding on as he sat up against his pillow on the back wall of the tent.

"Shh, he can hear you." Tyler said hoarsely and out of breath, Josh hummed, rubbing the back of Tyler's head, where hair was grown more now, Jenna needed to shave it when she got a chance.

"Who, Tyler?" Debby asked after a pause.

"N-Nico." He said, Debby looked to Josh, who gave her the same look she was giving him back.

"He's not here Tyler, I just came in and I didn't see any red or horses anywhere." She said, Josh nodded, rubbing Tyler's back. 

"Let him breath Josh, he can barely-" "Tyler?!" 

Jenna bustled into the tent, alone. Tyler flinched at the sound, Josh held Tyler closer to him, looking to Jenna with solidarity. Debby stood up, holding Jenna back and taking her outside, leaving Josh and Tyler alone so Jenna could calm down. It wasn't long before the pair came back in, Jenna kneeling down, tapping Tyler's shoulder, in the most careful way anyone could think after the distance between the two.

"Tyler?" She whispered, Tyler looked up from Josh's shoulder, staring at Josh for assurance.

Josh just nodded, and Tyler shifted out of Josh's grip atop him, looking to Jenna, her eyes were full of hope, and he just smiled, leaning up and her leaning down to kiss. Tyler held her face as he did so, slowly turning his head and smiling. Jenna smiled back with their lips together, pulling away and caressing his upper cheek with her thumb.

"It's been too long." She said, Tyler nodded solemnly.

"I'm not staying-" "I know." Jenna jut in, sitting down with her back against the tent. "You need time."

"I do, and I'm sorry because you all got here. And I'm just all the way behind you, stuck in Dema on the deal of order and control. I need to leave, and I just." Tyler said, his eyes were staring to well up. He held Jenna's face in his, silently apologizing to Josh, whom he was sitting atop of now.

"I love you so much." He said, barely audible. Jenna chuckled and blushed, kissing him once more. Debby looked to Josh in a helpless smile, and Josh chuckled back, motioning to pat Tyler's arm, but not wanting to ruin the affection in the tent.

"I know. I love you too." Jenna said, Tyler sighed, looking to her lips and back to her glacier-like eyes.

"Before you love someone, you love yourself." Jenna said, "I think you're alluding that you don't love yourself. Or, you just find insignificance, or rebellion so high. I don't know how you do love, Tyler. But it's in there, and it can be denied instead of unnoticed or unwanted you know. I think that's really the problem." 

Tyler looked at her with wide eyes, feeling the feeling he felt when Josh spread out the truth to him two weeks prior, pushing him into motivation. This fed it. Jenna was the one thing he had that would kick the blurred demons and darkness inside of him away. She always taught him real love, and how he could love himself which just made his love for her greater.

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