Chapter One

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|Hope's POV|

"Hope! You know you need leave! It's useless to just hide!" My dad's voice roars through the house. I pull my legs closer to me not wanting to go anywhere.

"No!" I yell. "I don't want to! Mom would never let you do this if she was still-" still alive. You just want me to leave anyway." I knew it was true. He tried for a year and it hasn't worked yet. I didn't want to leave the people I love.

"Please come out! We don't wanna wreck the whole house in order to find you." I heard a high pitched voice say. Why is there a female voice? I quickly quickly run out of my 'hiding' spot just to find a female taking stuff down in my room.

"What are you doing?! I going, alright?!" I yell. "I'm not going to allow a random stranger to touch my stuff." I gran my stuff and pack them. I packed almost half of my closet since I would be there for four years.

"Four years." I mutter to myself. "Four freaking years." All I know is that I'll be moving to a stupid high school that has dorms and I'll be staying in one.

"Are you done yet?" Her annoying high voice questioned.

I mutter glaring at her, "Yea, whatever."

"Finally," she mumbles. Don't need to worry for her sorry ass."


"Plane to California will be leaving soon." The announcer says through the speaker. I head for the plane, just realizing that my dad and that lady left. 'Wow, amazing parents to stay to least.' I though while getting pushed into a seat. "What is wrong with people these days?" I say to my self as a bot sits next to me. He mumbles something and I say, "Excuse me?"

"Oh, sorry. I just said that I can't believe I'm leaving." He says. "I've been here for years now."

"Same. I never wanted to leave. It's all my parent's fault." I mutter. "My name's Hope. Your's?"

"Jason. So why are you going to California?"

"Uh, school. High school to be exact. I'm going to be here for four years. Two to finish my last years of school."

"Four years? Why can't you just go to school where you lived?" he asked.

"They kind of wanted to kick me out. I don't even blame them." I say quietly.

"Really? That's kind of rude. Same here, but it's just that I wanted to go."

"So what school are you going to, Jason?" I ask kindly.

He thought for a moment. "Riverbank High." I sat there a but shocked.

"Seriously? I think that's where I'm going too!" I giggle and think how rare it must be to meet a classmate. He looked at me a bit, utterly confused.

"You're a girl, right?" I nodded confused with his question. "Uh, you do know that Riverbank High is an all boy school."

"W-what?!" I yelled, earning a few stares from other passengers. My face heats up and I accidentally leans my face into Jason's chest.

"A-are you okay?" he asks tensing up. I shook my head to say 'no'.

'I hate this. This must be so awkward for him.' I thought. I could feel him get a bit more comfortable though.

"Why do you need to hide?" he asks.

"I hate how they were looking at me." I mumble into his chest. He chuckles a little.

"Well get used to it. You're going to get a lot of attention at Riverbank."

"You don't understand how much I hate this and my parents." I say taking my head off his chest and yawning soon after.

"Yow know, you can fall asleep. We have a few hours left, I think."

I nodded. "I know, and I might do just that." I laid against Jason's shoulder hoping he won't mind.


Idea by: Endless_Eclipse
Edited by: madxturnt

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