Chapter Eight

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|Tyler's POV|

"Wake up you lazy butt." Soda and Alaska yell near her.

"Leave me alone." Hope groans, not willing to open her eyes.

"I told you, even I'm not a morning person." Soda says, adding a small yawn. "Tyler, go wake her up and tell her to meet us at the front."

"But she looks so peaceful!" I quickly yell before they shut the door. Do I really need to do this? "Hope," I quietly coo in her ear. "Wake up please." She stirs and I see her brown eyes open up a bit.

"W-what?" She questions, seeing how close I was. I stumble back, still looking at her.

"S-sorry." I stutter. "Soda and Alaska want you downstairs since you guys are apparently going to LA?"

"Oh," She yawns. "I forgot about that." She while snuggling into her blanket and going to sleep once again.

"Hope," I coo once again. "You need to wake up..." I slowly pull away her blanket, hoping it'll wake her up. She shivers a bit over the cold, making my heart break slowly. Only if I could give her blanket back so she could be warm again. "Hope," I said again. "Alaska and Soda want you downstairs and ready." She sits up and rubs her eyes like a little child. That's adorable...

"Are you coming?" Hope says while standing up and blinking a few times.

"What, why?" I question, confused.

"Because," She murmured. "Soda seems like she'll get easily bored with us.

"Well, she never asked me so I'm not just randomly going to come."

"Oh, okay." She says quietly while moving to her closet.

She seemed disappointed, but why? I don't even know how she feels about me. I wish I did know. That would be much easier. I stayed quiet on my bed, looking at my phone. She passed by me to the bathroom, looking at me for a moment.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just, uh, I feel bad for leaving you-"

"It's fine." I cut her off. "I was planning on walking around LA with some of my friends anyway." She nods and walks inside the bathroom. It was quiet for a minute but that was ruined by some loud banging from the door. I opened it to see a panting Adam. He pushed me away quickly running inside. "What the hell Adam?" I spit. He stays quiet for a moment, sitting on Hope's bed.

"You two have a nice room." He randomly says, looking around.

I look at him, confusion on my face. "Really? Is that why you're here? To check out our room?"

"No, not really. I wanted to talk to Hope and see when we're leaving."

"Whoa, wait. You're going to LA with her?" I ask.

"Yup." Adam said popping the 'p.' "Mitch was invited by this girl and he happened to ask me to come with him. Only since Jerome wasn't here yet."

So Mitch and Adam are going, but not me? "Really?"

"Yeah, well a girl named Alaska asked him. At least I think that her name..." He mumbles. "But where's Hope?"

"Right here." Hope says leaving the bathroom. "Uh, Tyler just said we're supposed to meet at the front.

"Oh, okay. So you're coming too?" Adam asks while leaning toward me. I see the two transfer looks, but me being me, I simply ignore it. "Do you want to come?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I was planning on walking around with one if my friends."

"Alright then. Hope, let's go before they yell at us." Adam said, making Hope follow behind him. We both stared each other in the eyes up until the door closed between us. I sigh, laying back down.

I should've went. I wasn't really going to walk around LA. I didn't even have anyone to walk around with. Gah, I'm so stupid.



Don't worry, Jason will be coming up soon... After all this is a Minecraft Universe fan fic as well as a Munchingbrotato fan fic...

Idea by: Endless_Eclipse
Edited by: madxturnt

Mr. Brightside | Munchingbrotato/ Tyler ChristieWhere stories live. Discover now