Chapter Sixteen

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|Tyler's POV|

"TYLER!" I hear someone yell whilst barging into my room. I jump and fumble with my phone, dropping it on the ground.

"Who the hell- Ty! What do you want?" I yell back.

"We can't find them." he says, out of breath.

I pick up my phone. "Who? And you made me crack the back of my fucking phone."

"Sorry, but we'll worry about that later. Right now, we can't find Jason and Hope."

I jump up from my bed. "What?"

"Didn't you notice that Hope wasn't here when you woke up this morning?" I turn around and look at Hope's perfectly made bed. I hadn't payed any attention to that fact. Too busy in my own thoughts.

"Um, um." My eyes wander around, searching for answers. "Hope said something about her and Jason going the the back of the school to watch stars or whatever. Maybe they're still there."

"Okay. Wanna come check with me?" I nod and rush out the door with Adam, heading to the grass field at the back of out school.


"What the hell guys?" I say as I approach an awake Jason and a sleeping Hope.

"Shhh..." Jason scolds me.

"What the hell guys?" I say again, whispering this time. I look at Hope who was dead asleep, resting on Jason's chest while he looked down at her, playing with her hair. My ears felt hot with anger.

"We came out here last night and I guess we just fell asleep." Jason shrugs like it's no big deal.

"Are you kidding me? Something could've happened to Hope out here! Did you even think about her safety?" I harshly whisper.

"Tyler, you-"

"I bringing Hope back to our dorm." I say emphasizing the word 'our.' "Where she'll be safe... With me."

I gently pick Hope up bridal style and carry her all the way back to our dorm
room. I set her on her bed, and she stirs a little bit. "J-Jason?" I hear her mumble. She groggily sits up and rubs her eyes.

"No, it's Tyler." I smile solemnly. "You fell asleep outside last night. We thought you guys were gone. I came out there and carried you back inside."

"You could've just woken me up." she says and I blush, not realizing I had that option.

"You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you." she smiles and I shake my head. "Listen Hope. About yesterday. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you about hanging with Jason. I guess I-"

"Don't Tyler. It's okay. I understand." I doubt that she really understood, but I ignored it. I didn't want to be fighting with Hope. "Aw, come here." she says.

I walk into her arms and she hugs my waist tightly for a moment before letting go. "Do you wanna go find Adam and Ty and them? See what they're plans are for today." she suggests.

"They're not gonna do shit today, but sure. Why not?" I shrug and she chuckles at me.

I walk out of the room first, holding the door open for Hope. When I shut the door, I see a shadow cross over her face. She clenches her teeth and her fists and remains completely still.

"Hope are you-"

"What the hell are you doing on our floor, Vincent?" Hope spits through her gritted teeth.

"I'm looking for Adam. Don't mean to intrude." Vincent responds kindly.

"Oh, shut up. Don't try to be nice." she says and Vincent smirks, but only for a second. That was enough for me to tell that something was off about him.

Mr. Brightside | Munchingbrotato/ Tyler ChristieWhere stories live. Discover now